Distance Education Equal?

Distance Education Equal - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 16th Oct, 2004 - 10:13pm

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Posts: 19 - Views: 2758
Distance Learning What are your feelings on earning a degree without being in a classroom? More universities and colleges are opting to have their students take courses via the internet and by mail. Can you learn the same things via web learning or distance education just like someone in the classroom?
15th Jan, 2004 - 12:05am / Post ID: #

Distance Education Equal?

Distance Education

Many years ago DE was looked on as a joke, but now even top universities like Hopkins offers it. Do you think a person earning a degree via DE is equal to someone who went to the classroom?

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Post Date: 15th Jan, 2004 - 6:20am / Post ID: #

Distance Education Equal?
A Friend

Equal Education Distance

I am taking a distance education course right now. Ed2Go On-line computer courses. It is through my local Community College. I have taken two other classes so far: Intro Excel and Intermediate Excel. I am on Intro Word. I love it, and I am doing 100%. For me it is more convenient. I don't have to travel to the next town to go to the Computer Lab. Which at this time is only open 4 days a week. It saves me gas, and the hassel of traveling against the traffic. I am just an e-mail away from my instructor, plus there is a discussion board with the other students. I don't know how good I would do in the lab. There have been days when the roads were iced up and were closed down, that would have hurt my hours at the lab. Plus the on-line courses are way cheaper. I pay $59.00 per course and the Lab price is $121.00 plus $61.00 lab fee!! You have to have the Microsoft Office program on your computer ~ it cost $139.00. So for the three courses I have taken I have spent $316.00. Had I gone to the lab it would have cost me $1,095.00. I saved $779.00!!:thumb:

Do you think a person earning a degree via DE is equal to someone who went to the classroom?
Absolutely Yes! You do just as much studying, and learning. It is just in your home, when you can get to the computer and on-line. And sometimes in your comfortable jammies smile.gif

15th Jan, 2004 - 11:32am / Post ID: #

Distance Education Equal? UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

Absolutely Yes! You do just as much studying, and learning. It is just in your home, when you can get to the computer and on-line. And sometimes in your comfortable jammies

I am also completing an accredited Asc degree through the same method, but after doing it I would have to say that it works only for certain subjects. For instance I wouldn't want to know that the doctor who is about to operate on me got most of what he learned from DE. wink.gif

Post Date: 15th Jan, 2004 - 5:43pm / Post ID: #

Distance Education Equal?
A Friend

Equal Education Distance

QUOTE (JB@Trinidad @ 15-Jan 04, 3:32 AM)
For instance I wouldn't want to know that the doctor who is about to operate on me got most of what he learned from DE. wink.gif

What a thought, doing an internship via distance learning laugh.gif:-->laugh.gif

Post Date: 20th Jan, 2004 - 1:59pm / Post ID: #

Distance Education Equal?
A Friend

Equal Education Distance

I completed one of the Medical Transcription courses online. It was supported by the local university, which helped. I can see how some courses would be excellent via online learning. There was a man on the Kim Komando show the other day. He wanted to teach saxophone to kids living in rural areas. He had already tried using Yahoo with a cam and headset, but wanted more. I think a lot more can be learned through our computers, once technology is easier access for a larger portion of the world. I'm looking forward to learning languages by actually working with people who are living in those countries. Language involves the entire lifestyle and history as well. Now..if someone could just reach through and cure my ornery computer through the internet...

Post Date: 22nd Apr, 2004 - 11:34am / Post ID: #

Distance Education Equal?
A Friend

Distance Education Equal?

Nope, there not equal. Nothing can replace a human in the learning process. They can explain it more and give examples that other people can relate too, so again-no

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Post Date: 28th Sep, 2004 - 11:10am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Distance Education Equal


The time is not far off that all college courses will have "some Web aspects" to them.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C1249%2C...94383%2C00.html

16th Oct, 2004 - 10:13pm / Post ID: #

Distance Education Equal Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

There is a lot of merit to online courses, but I also believe that certain courses and degrees still need to be taught in a classroom setting. When I was in college, one of my classes was done online, and personally, I didnt have the self discipline then to complete it successfully. Today I would consider online courses in a heartbeat. I have a lot of coworkers who got their MBA's online. In the world of IT, distance education is the way to go.

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> TOPIC: Distance Education Equal?


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