California Human Trafficking
What is being done about the sex trade in California?
Do you know victims caught up in Sex Trafficking? Is Human Trafficking in California usually about people from other countries or the locals of California?
Rally gives voice to sex trafficking victims
As many as 11,700 women and girls are victims of sex trafficking each year in San Diego County, according to a local study released in October. Participants at the human trafficking awareness rally in Balboa Park hoped to humanize the victims and the challenges they face. Ref. Source 5v.
Pimp convicted of trafficking teen girls
A 28-year-old San Francisco man was convicted of sexually trafficking two girls, 14 and 16, after a seven-week trial, during which the victims described being shopped by a pimp. The girls “are victims, but they are also survivors,” the prosecutor said. Ref. Source 3c.
Schools might get anti-sex trafficking training
Rep. Susan Davis plans to introduce a bill that will provide school districts with federal grants to train teachers, administrators, staff, coaches and others to spot the signs that a student is a sex-trafficking victim and show them how to intervene. Ref. Source 3g.
El Cajon couple accused of trafficking housekeeper
A note asking for help led to labor trafficking charges against an Iraqi couple accused of forcing an Indonesian housekeeper to work without pay. Her rescue a few days later is the first time in more than five years the woman has been free, officials said. Ref. Source 3v.
There are so many illegals living in California so this is probably one case in thousands where people are forced into labor or sex to live.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 28 2.8%
2 arrested in Internet sex trafficking ring
Human trafficking investigators have dismantled what they described as the first members-only Internet prostitution ring of its kind in San Diego, run by two local men who lured vulnerable women and allowed customers to post “performance” reviews Ref. Source 6h.