I would rather have the NSA listening in than a terrorist trying to kill innocent Americans. That's how it is... Give and take for a more secure world.
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 67 6.7%
Illegal? Sure. Necessary? Very much so. If we waited to collect data on suspects then we will never find those who don't appear to be suspects. The recent description of neighbors who knew the men that killed the security guard at the art show is a good example of how terrorist appear to look like quiet law abiding citizens but they're not.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 34 3.4%
Court asked to kill off NSA's 'zombie dragnet' of Americans' bulk phone data:
While the surveillance dragnet was phased out by Congress and Barack Obama last month, an American Civil Liberties Union suit seeks to end a twilight, zombie period of the same US phone records collection, slated under the new law to last six months. Ref. Source 5a
Denmark officially confirms US plane was in Copenhagen in June 2013 to fly Snowden to U.S.:
Denmark has publicly acknowledged for the first time that in June 2013 a US plane was waiting in a Copenhagen airport to extradite NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to the US. At the time he was stranded in a Moscow airport. Ref. Source 1q.