Grass: Its Whats For Dinner (3.5 Million Years Ago)
If you want to go paleo in your diet, invest in a lawn mower. An examination of fossilized teeth from early humans and their ancient forebears reveals our ancestors switched from an ape diet of fruits and leaves to eating grasses and sedges about 3.5 million years ago.
I find it a logical process. A diet based on only fruit and leaves would not have pushed our far ancestors to develop the first rudimentary forms of agriculture. Growing trees for fruit is a very long process and humanity was mainly nomadic. They started creating temporary settlements at first and probably they did it for growing plants that had a life cycle much shorter than the one trees have. Resorting on grass might have been also a solution to the food problems once the human communities started to grow in size and the resources available in a given territory were not enough to sustain the whole group for long periods.
I have to agree. Eating of grasses and grains over the years is how as humans evolved as farmers growing the vegetables and grains that we eat on a daily basis now. Becoming farmers in the early days would have been hard as you captured animals that you wanted to domesticate for food and have plants for the others to eat plus still have some for the animals. I bet life was very harsh.