It is free speech because I choose where my donations go. When I am restricted as to what organizations I wish to donate to for political action, or am force to contribute to specific individuals or causes, then that is a restriction of speech. Free speech isn't "free". It is a matter of "freedom to speak".
Now, I agree completely with the idea of full disclosure of ALL donations. Every donation, whether of money or any other consideration, should be publicly available on the internet.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
The problem I have with the system is that you have to make a donation in to be heard. That is not free speech or freedom to speak because it favours the rich. Not everyone is free to do it.
I accept the American system is very much about who can afford to run for politics. It's one part of the US political system I don't particularly like because I believe government decisions should not be influenced by private money, even though this is not always possible or realistic. This creates inequality.
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
Unbelievable. We completely agree on something!
I do have one question for you. What government, in the entire world, is NOT mostly influenced by who has the money?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
I believe that was the right decision for DeLay and for the Republican party. With all the issues surrounding his last political campaign finances, he would have been under heavy public scrutiny and his opposition would have used it to bash his current campaign. It just wouldn't be fair to the voters to have to put up with that.
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 24.1%
I stand completely for the right of free speech but since when does a corporation or foreign entity have the rights of an American citizen? I think that there should be a law banning a contribution of anything to a politician from anyone but an individual citizen, or a verified group of American citizens who have no means of making a monetary profit from their contribution. I know it would be difficult but why should my country and my rights be sold to the highest bidder if I'm not the one being payed for them.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 22 2.2%
It really never is that clear cut. Are all lobyist evil and wicked? This is like saying: all Asians are short. This is not true. I have seen Yao Ming play basketball and he is a pretty tall guy and obviously Asian. Of course, lobbyist like Abramoff are not desirable in any government or society. They truly are just out to make a dollar regardless of the cause. However, there are lobbyist out there working for the environmental causes. Are they evil? Most would say they are not and are doing good to bring these issues to the congressmen. The only thing is...we never really hear much about these lobbyist. That must be the difference between being an honorable person and a con-man.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
Another side of how people view lobbyists is the consideration of what an individual thinks is important.
So, there are environmentalist lobbyists out there. The mainstream media basically lauds them on a regular basis. There are abortion rights lobbyists. Gay rights lobbyists. Anti-business lobbyists. Farmers' rights, NAACP, AARP, all these generally leftist groups. Very few people condemn them, although they use exactly the same tactics as Abramoff.
However, let someone start talking about Pat Robertson, the NRA, Pro-Life groups, or any other generally conservative lobbyist, and they are all evil - according to the mainstream media, TV talking heads, etc. (think about how Rosie O'Donnell, Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin and many other leftists have treated the NRA and pro-life groups).
I don't condone what Abramoff did. I just notice that it is ONLY his actions with Republicans that has caused problems. Everyone sweeps his contacts and actions with Democrats under the rug.
So, stating that lobbyists are evil is painting with a very broad brush, and usually only means that the lobbyists who support causes YOU (the general 'you', not anyone in particular) are against are evil.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%