Read About It First
How likely are you to read reviews about a product before buying it?
This depends greatly on what the product is. It even has a lot to do with the brand of the product. Brands I trust I generally am not as likely to read reviews before a purchase however if it is a brand that I am not as familiar with I will likely read up on it. Some types of products however it doesn't matter what brand it is nor do reviews matter much at all. Some items are going to have a limited lifetime and I understand that so I will more than likely not do any research. Other products I will without a doubt read reviews before the purchase. There are so many variables it is almost hard to describe.
I generally will not read a review about a product unless it costs more than say $100 US. I figure if I am going to spend that or more money on it, then I better do some research on it. If I pay less than $100 for something, and it breaks, or does not meet the standards I expected, then it is not a big loss. Not that I like to throw money away, but I can live with myself. With that line of thinking, the higher the cost, the more research I will do, and the longer I will take to make a decision. So it might take me a few weeks to decide on a car, but a few days on a camcorder, for example.
I agree completely with what Malexander has just stated. If the product is of some worth, then it is definitely worth doing some research, or you could be spending extra money on something that isn't worth the asking price.
If the value is quite low, I will take a risk on it, if something does go wrong with it, then you haven't lost as much money on it.
For expensive items I tend to do a lot of research beforehand. I love Consumer Reports online which is a wealth of information. I've never been sorry I reviewed a product before buying it even though it sometimes takes a lot of time to research a product I'm not familiar with. I also think it's important to read several different reviews, because there is often a lot of contradicting information. I look at the top five or six models and choose one based on my spending allowance.