
Green Party
What are your thoughts about the Green Party?
Official Web Site: https://www.gp.org/
Definition based on their site: "The Green Party of the United States is a federation of state Green Parties. Committed to environmentalism, non-violence, social justice and grassroots organizing, Greens are renewing democracy without the support of corporate donors. Greens provide real solutions for real problems. Whether the issue is universal health care, corporate globalization, alternative energy, election reform or decent, living wages for workers, Greens have the courage and independence necessary to take on the powerful corporate interests. The Federal Elections Commission recognizes the Green Party of the United States as the official Green Party National Committee. We are partners with the European Federation of Green Parties and the Federation of Green Parties of the Americas."
Ref. https://www.gp.org/about.shtml
The green party has its roots in socialism and communism. Problem is that while I hear down with big government, they are promoting communal health care, and corporate globalization of economic systems. They aren't promoting the US sovranty, they are promoting the blending of everything. Their ideal government would promote laziness among an already lazy nation in my opinion.