Clark Wissler
How much do you know about the human called, "Clark Wissler"?
Clark Wissler (1870-1947) is best known today as an influential American anthropologist, but his early training was in psychology. His 1901 doctoral dissertation created an academic uproar by purportedly debunking some of the most influential intelligence theories of the time. The controversy was made scandalous by the fact that Wissler's findings discredited the research of his mentor, James McKeen Cattell. (Fancher, 1985, p. 48-49)
Ref. https://www.indiana.edu/~intell/wisslers.shtml
Clark Wissler's contributions are mostly to cultural development and human relations. He has written several books regarding the American Indians as well as essays and papers regarding human intelligence, in which he debunk several known theories stated by his mentor. He was a diffusionist (an anthropologist who emphasizes the role of diffusion in the history of culture rather than independent invention or discovery) who contributed to culture area and age area of that idealogy that has since fallen out of popularity with the anthropological society.