Gene that could play key role in depression identified. Depression affects more than 300 million people annually. Now, a new study has pinpointed how one particular gene plays a central role -- either protecting from stress or triggering a downward spiral, depending on its level of activity. Source 3o.
Depression affects the brains of males and females differently. Depressed adolescents were exposed to happy or sad words and their brains imaged. Through this study, researchers found that depression has different effects on the brain activity of male and female patients in certain brain regions. The findings suggest that adolescent girls and boys may experience depression differently and that sex-specific treatments might be beneficial for adolescents. Source 7a.
I know some people who are depressed will put on a fake face/smile so that they can hide from others as they do not wish others to intrude upon them and they do not want to be a burden to their friends or acquaintances. They will most of the time be quiet and withdrawn. I know this from very personal experiences.
Only one-third of patients diagnosed with depression start treatment. Despite the wide availability of effective treatments for depression and a growing effort nationwide to detect and begin treating depression during primary care visits, only about one-third of individuals newly diagnosed with depression start treatment. Source 6i.