I feel like I'm starting to fall behind XP wise. Are there any downtime activities that Mykael could do to try and catch up? I still need 1,015xp to get to to Lv6.
Every city usually has unwanted critters in their sewage systems. Restov can offer you a low-paying job to clear them out for a few days, the downtime "Earn XP option". There would be some areas to avoid and they would want you not to kill trash-eating Otyughs. The first day would earn you 1600 XP, then once you're 6th level, 2400 XP until you reach the highest XP in the party.
For the Shrike River specifically, as a local you would know that it's the river south of Restov that flows into the lake you explored. I've called it the Tuskwater Lake, but have been trying to avoid names as this should be your region. I've referred to the Thorn River a lot of times - the north-most river that splits off the Shrike. And I've also name dropped the Skunk River once - but it's up to your characters to ask about the names or rename them as you see fit.
Every character that met the Surveyor should have mapping supplies, I specified a Chronicler's Kit for everyone and a Mapmaker's Kit, Sextant and Spyglass to share. I think you all would have compared maps and made copies during downtime so everyone has one. Only Archival has the two newest explored hexes, but soon enough everyone will know.
Your welcome to do wet role-play, but don't catch a cold!
While I am busy, I started to write my next post and it just flowed. I have a lot of info to convey, but it's largely inconsequential… I don't know if I should cut it down, but risk it reading like a boring newspaper article.
And it's only about the contest. I haven't written about what Zork or Archival do, or the feast after, or you lot getting back together… Not sure if I should just skip over the feast… Will anybody be getting up to girl chasing or other shenanigans?
No shenanigans for Mykael; he's your typical boring lawful good paladin, just trying to stay out of trouble. On the other hand, given his strained relationship with his father, I've been considering working in a bit of a struggle with alcohol addiction in an effort to numb his emotional pain. It may be an interesting character flaw for Mykael, but I haven't really decided whether I want to go there or not though…