![ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue](/board/YaBBImages/icons/pencil.gif)
The bandits stop at the threat of a weapon. The bald bandit keeps many paces in front of Jax and Trake away from the other bandits.
The sun sinks as they day ends and camp must be made earlier than expected. As the sky darkens you have the choice between a bush covered hill or a small rocky clearing.
Out of Character: Same deal: watches, plans for the next day, and 2 perception checks both for the watch and the next day.
Shivas once again repeats the events of last night after finding a nice spot on the bush covered hill for the party and their captives to camp. She feeds the group of bandits and tries asking the bald bandit about the hierarchy of the bandit group. She is calm and casual with her questions, almost as if she where just creating small talk instead of trying to interrogate the man.
After feeding every one and preparing camp Shivas volunteers for first watch and makes any opportunity she can to casually question any of the other bandits who seem they might cooperate.
Shivas talks with Theaton and Tarak about pushing on in the morning and trying to "Casually question" The bandits during their journey back.
Shivas prays and prepares her spells at the first sign of morning in order to get an earlier start.
Out of Character:: Perception rolls 8+5= 13, 16+5=21
Spells for the day:
Level 0 Create water, Detect magic, Purify food and drink
Level 1 Bless, Divine favor
The bandit admits to Shivas, "She's in charge at our camp." He nods his head toward the woman bandit. "Kressle is quick and cunning but she answers to someone else - the Stag Lord. I don't know him, I'm new in the camp. I never did any wrong, just got caught up. Please let me go."
Shivas uses the information she has to question the others and they appear to open up.
Another bandit quietly admits, "Don't tell Kressle I said this, but the Stag Lord is a monster of a man. He's a deadeye with a bow, and I even saw him crush a prisoner's hand to mush in one fist. Come to think of it, I've never seen him without his creepy stag helmet on - some of my friends think he doesn't have a face under it, but not me - I think that creepy helm is his face!
"There's so many other bandit cells in the region that it becomes hard keeping track of who else is working for the boss. So we use a master phrase as a sort of password to get in to the fort on the northeast shore of the Tuskwater Lake. The current phrase for springtime is, 'By the Bloody Bones of Saint Gilmorg, who wants to know?' And no, I have no idea who Saint Gilmorg is."
A third bandit confesses, "Yes, the Stag Lord does seen to be in charge. All bandits in these hills and the forest report to him. But you see, he's not right for the job because he's a bloody drunk. All that booze in the wooden case was for him. He's half of what he used to be, and he's never been right in the head. A few weeks ago he punched my horse for spitting in the yard. Personally, I wouldn't care if he dropped dead tomorrow, but even drunk out of his mind he's still got a fair amount of fight to him.
"Now, I know of a strange old man he keeps locked up in the basement. I suspect the old guy might actually be running the show, using the Stag Lord as a puppet, you know. I got a look into the old guy's eyes once, and it terrified me. He ain't someone I'd want to cross."
Moonday, 4th of Pharast, 4712
The next morning the party finds all of their bows missing. Before turning to the bandits, Theaton manages to spot all three hanging from a branch high in a tree. He takes his time climbing carefully and unhooking the bows to drop them, then climbing back down. He looks at the Shivas and Tarak with a questioning expression.
The bandits appreciate being ungagged, but aren't as willing to cooperate when Kressle is around. They mutter quietly between themselves instead.
Out of Character: What other questions do you want to ask? Will you be hustling and taking damage, or forced marching and rolling constitution checks?
Shivas tries at questioning Kressle, "Who is the Stag Lord? Why do you follow him? What information can you tell me?" Shivas listens and watches and tries to decipher whether Kressle is repentant or beyond reform.
Shivas thinks that if the woman is unrepentant perhaps she will have her hanged in front of the other bandits when they arrive at Oleg's trading post. Perhaps most of them are not as bad as they seem, and the leaders, such as Kressle, scare the rest into service. If they take out the leaders perhaps they can rid the bandit threat in the area? They need to find out more about this Stag Lord and then make plans to remove his influence from the area. Shivas relays her thoughts to the group of her companions quietly as they travel.
Shivas continues her casual questioning when the group stops for meals and feeds the captives. "Why do you all seem to fear Kressle so much? Would any of you help in restoring Oleg's trading post in an attempt to prove that you are repentant of the things you may have done? A penance of sorts.
Shivas does not wish to push anyone and feels it is worth taking their time to get back, as the immediate threat seems to have been taken care of. If need be they should stop and camp when night comes.
Kressle initially ignores the questions and keeps her head down as she walks. After more questioning, she speaks quietly so the other bandits don't hear, "Look, I know I lost, but if I get caught saying anything I'll be dead anyway. Give me pardon and freedom and I'll spill what I know."
The other bandits don't talk during the long trek, but during breaks and at camp they are taken away from the group to reveal information. Most of the stories line up with what you heard already. That the Stag Lord is the leader of all the bandits in the Greenbelt and they pay tithes or taxes to him. He's violent, drunk, tough and wears a stag skull helmet. Only a handful have met him or even been to his fort.
One pimple-faced bandit talks to Shivas as they walk. "I don't know about the Stag Lord, miss, but I do know about Kressle. She's in charge because the lord put her in charge. The story goes that years ago his men once happened upon her alone and tried to, um, take advantage of her. But she fought back and lopped a man's hands off. They turned and ran back to the fort.
"But Kressle is cunning. She followed the trail of blood and met the Stag Lord. He recruited her on the spot and physically threw the other men out of his fort to die. After a few months, impressed with her, he promoted her with the silver amulet you took and sent her north to join Happs. She quickly overtook him with her skills and more than one loud night together using her womanly wiles to gain power.
"Now at the camp, she is completely ruthless when it comes to punishing bad bandits. Cuts, lashes, waterboarding, drawing with the horses and she even does that to travelers we catch for information or for fun. All the bandits stay away from her bad side."
That night after asking the bandits about penance, only two refuse. Even Kressle seems to want to help, but she keeps her head hung in shame. The two who refused start to say that they deserve jail and that is what they choose, but are interrupted by the distant thunder quickly growing louder. Then one bright flash is seen followed by a loud crack two seconds later. The rain is yet to splash down but it can be heard.
"Oh, darn," Complains Theaton. "I set up such a good fire and we have to move already? If we push ourselves as hard as possible and leave our armour off for speed we may hit the trading post in 5 or 6 hours if I remember correctly. We may outrun the rain. I don't know if there will be much solace under the trees and I doubt there will be a cave in this terrain."
Shivas nods her agreement. She however takes off her armor and lashes it to what ever horse can carry it. If no horse can carry it she will dispose of one of the tents and the bear trap to make room for her armor.
"We need to push forward to get clear of the rain. So man up every one of you and lets move." Shivas orders the bandits after packing what little they unpacked to make camp.
Shivas pushes everyone forward, trying to encourage them all as they go.
Out of Character:: Endurance / Constitution check: 12+1=13, 10+1=11, 15+1=16. Don't know how many rolls you need?
One hour of jogging through the forest passes, the bandits just as eager to avoid the rain and following the confidence of their captors. Puffing much misty breath 5 of the bandits and Kressle seem to be getting fatigued.
Theaton, bursting with energy, continues forward. By the end of the second hour, only 2 of the 9 bandits seem only slightly tired. Theaton exclaims that he can see the treeline, but one bandit cannot take it anymore and collapses, snoring. Tarak grabs him and flings him over his shoulder, sharing the load with the bald bandit. Shivas also feels the weariness of a long day, taking 2 nonlethal damage from forced marching and 1 more for hustling.
The peal of lightning sounds more distant as you approach the treeline, with 5 seconds separating the flash from the sound. Ten minutes after the bandit collapsed, you emerge from the trees into the chilly plains. Theaton soon calls a halt, with muttering from the bandits.
"Don't you see?" He asks. "Just look up."
Above you is the glistening of many stars. Even looking over the forest the skies have only small wispy clouds.
He continues, "I don't know how or why, but we've been tricked..." He pauses thoughtfully. "Well, there's a good side. At least it's only a day's walk to the post from here, if I followed the right course. This is a good covered spot to rest."
Out of Character: 2 rolls were enough, thanks. I also thought Shivas would channel at some time, but left that decision to you and let you continue with no ill effect.
Thanks for trying to recruit players, I will have some spare time very soon. Edited: iCon on 6th Mar, 2014 - 2:31pm
Shivas sets up camp and feeds the captives. She sets a watch with the others, Shivas goes first. When morning comes Shivas gets everything packed up and everyone moving after she has prepared her spells for the day and said her prayers to Sarenrae.
Out of Character:: Perception: 20+5=25
Spells for the day:
Level 0:
Detect magic, Light, Purify food and drink.
Level 1:
Bless, Magic weapon