ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 87 of 105

Out of Character: That is a really strange - Page 87 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 13th Jul, 2015 - 3:06am

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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue Related Information to ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue
10th Jul, 2015 - 11:18am / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 87

Game Master says...

The men bring in the carcass, beahead it to create a trophy and get to cooking and eating the remains. The blue scaly skin is thick and only good to sell, while most of the meat is dried, and the bones set aside. The men carouse into the night, while you get some well deserved rest.

Sunday 21 Gozran

Vekkel leads you out of the fort, just at the hint of dawn. It is still somewhat dark, but he wants a good headstart so that it will only take two days, rather than two and a half. The wind picks up sporadically during the day, but luckily you get no rain. The mountain range ends a few miles from the fort, and the river bends southwards, opening into wide rolling plains. The horses are exhausted by the end of the day, but all get a good rest with Vekkel taking the middle watch to be nice to everyone else.

Moonday 22 Gozran

The day is pleasant, the sun peeks out between clouds and the wind has finally diminished to a pleasant breeze. You avoid any encounters neither with any animals nor monsters nor people on the road. It is late in the afternoon when the small structure comes into view.

Approaching the wooden structure, it is placed at the very end of the road and you notice another road leading north. The structure is walled with 10 foot high logs, with neglected catapults visible in each corner atop four 20 foot wtachtowers. The walls are 130 feet wide on the North and south walls, and 100 feet deep. The path leads you around and you see a 20 foot wide gate on the southern side.

"Oleg!" Vekkel shouts. "Open up!"

A short while later, a serious looking man with broad shoulders peeks over the palisade. "Vekkel! Come right in! Looks like you've made some new friends!" He pulls on a rope which unbars the front gate, allowing Vekkel to push it open.

Walking inside, clockwise from the south gate is a stable with hay spilling out and 4 of 5 stalls taken, three Middens acting as compost heaps, a storehouse filled with barrels and crates, Oleg's house, a campfire in between two long benches, a guest house with four rooms and a lean-to tent on the side of the guest house. The wall of the guest house also has notices on display. A crude map is at Source 6o

Oleg comes up to each of you, offering a hand shake. He also bows towards Archival and Caelum, wearing a frown as he does so. "Oleg Leveton, pleased to meet you all. What brings you out to my humble abode?"

Out of Character: Maybe if Precise Shot didn't have a prererquisite, but sadly the troops were just level 2.
Hustling for 2 hours at double speed caused the horses to take 1 damage which gets healed overnight.

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Post Date: 10th Jul, 2015 - 3:33pm / Post ID: #

ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue
A Friend

Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

Archival summons Caelum and they then spend a couple of hours carousing with the men, making friends and potentially useful contacts for the future before heading to bed.

Moonday 22 Gozran
Caelum again mounts Midnight and spends the day as perimeter patrol, scouting for any potential threats.

Archival: How are you doing Caelum? See anything interesting?
Caelum: Nothing as of yet. I think the wyvern might have scared off any potential threats yesterday. It will be another day or two before travellers will likely have to worry about any mundane beasts.
Archival: Well if that is the case, why not -
Caelum: My duty, no, my purpose for existence is to protect you. It is harder for me to spot dangers in advance if I'm not riding in advance.
Archival: I see. You are right, of course. Do not hesitate to come visit if you get bored though.

Archival and Caelum each gladly shake Oleg's hand. When Oleg bows, Archival gets a somewhat perplexed look on his face. "... I, uh, mhmm," He clears his throat as he attempts to gather himself. "Please sir, that is not necessary at all. Thank you though. We have come bearing an exploration charter and seek nothing more than to make a place for ourselves in this world."

Caelum: Notices on display, ask about those.
Archival: Thank you.

Archival glances around and spots the notices, "I see you have some notices on display. Is there anything we can be of assistance with?"

As Archival steps closer to the notices, Caelum moves in and whispers to Oleg, "My lord tends to get uncomfortable with formalities. My apologies for the odd request, but please feel free to abandon said pleasantries. He will appreciate it, I assure you."

Out of Character: Ahh, I hear ya. I assumed Human and level 1, which would be two feats. I didn't even consider they might be specialized in something else. I blame the optimizer in me that I constantly fight!

Reconcile Edited: Diarmadhim on 10th Jul, 2015 - 3:37pm

11th Jul, 2015 - 4:19am / Post ID: #
Mykael Brewmor
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Ignoble says...

Mykael gives Oleg a firm hand shake “Nice place” he says genuinely as he looks around taking in his environment feeling at ease in the rustic structure. Mykeal explains that the charter mentioned the trading post and that they are looking to fulfill the charter’s goals.

Out of Character: Sorry for the short post; writer’s block

11th Jul, 2015 - 6:51pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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Page 87 Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

Game Master says...

Way back: Archival seems to make a good impression on a certain Sergeant Nevak, who complains that his 5 men can't aim properly and almost hit the eagles you summoned. He also applauds your strategy.

On the 22nd again:
Oleg nods to Mykael's complement. "Oh! The charter," He says, genuinely surprised. "Looks like the explorers will have a few more eyes out there. I am surprised you were sent here so long after exploration started. It's been almost 2 months. The Swordlords must be getting impatient."

When corrected by Caelum, he responds more relaxed, "I'm sorry, I wasn't sure. You look noble, and it's safer to bow than be executed on the spot by some short-tempered spoilt brat."

"I have none of my personal requests on the board. Vekkel and Kesten both have tasks up on the board. Vekkel wants the head of the boar that took his leg. Kesten is chasing a deserter. Best to ask them for details."

"We've finished supper but still have bread and butter left. Everyone turned in for an early night..."

Another voice coughs from atop the east wall and says "Except the hard working Kesten Garess." This man wears half-plate armor with dark blue tabard, a plain burgonet helm with the visor up and a constant frown on his square jawed face.

"Me and my men are here to guard against bandits, but they won't be coming back. We also act on behalf of the Swordlords if you need payment for a task or wish to send an updated map."

Post Date: 12th Jul, 2015 - 8:58am / Post ID: #

ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue
A Friend

Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

Caelum chuckles, mentally relaying the hushed conversation to Archival. "I understand and applaud your decorum. My lord, while not spoiled was certainly sheltered. Despite being schooled in statecraft, he lived a more disciplined life than the privileged fops that are burdens to society."

Archival perks up while reading each of the requests. "You say none of your personal requests are posted - does that mean you have any requests you would care to share?"

After listening to Oleg's reply, Archival asks, "Is there a room open that can be rented? If not, or if there is only one room, that is okay - give it to Mykael or Vekkel. I brought a tent! Where would you prefer I set it up sir?"

Caelum speaks up, "I will go care for Midnight, my lord."

"I will be there to assist you shortly Caelum. Thank you." Archival then turns to question Vekkel about his posted request, "Is there any information you can share about the boar? Do you happen to know where its den is located? If not, where did the attack take place? Does the beast have any identifying marks or features?"

After Vekkel answers, Archival thanks him for the helpful information and promises to avenge Vekkel's injury if he and Caelum find the beast. He then makes his way up to the top of the east wall and greets Kesten with a handshake. "It is a pleasure to meet you Kesten Garress. I am Archival Oragor. I understand you are chasing a deserter. What can you tell me about the individual? Do they have any scars, tattoos, or other features that will aid in identifying them? Do you have any areas you suspect they might be hiding out?"

After receiving the details, Archival politely excuses himself to go assist Caelum in tending to Midnight before heading to bed for the night.

12th Jul, 2015 - 3:06pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue

Game Master says...

"Oh, I did have some requests up before," Oleg replies. "But the explorers have been busy completing them. They found my favorite moon radishes and brought them, they found my wife's ring which the bandits had stolen, and they brought a Tatzlwyrm which I can display as a trophy in my front hall. What is that? Let me show you!"

He opens the front door to his house, and at the end of the entrance hallway stands an imposing serpentine figure as tall as a man. Its has scales of green and orange frills on either side of its draconic head. It also has short forearms ending in tiny claws.

"They mainly hold you in their teeth and use a poison breath from what I'm told. Stealthy and fierce, but thankfully rare. Back on topic though, no I don't need more help at the moment."

"Rooms are 5 silver a night with breakfast and dinner included. I have two spare rooms, or all four if I kick out the guards back to their tent. Vekkel, you're welcome in the guest room in the house. Stables are 2 silver with full care."

Vekkel answers your questions about the boar. "Tuskgutter is his name. Almost every trapper and hunter has come across him. He's big and angry and scarred all over from many battles. But I will never forget the grey bristles on his face, that's most recognizable."

Looking in detail, Kesten has black hair under his helm and is rather soft faced. There is intricate stitching on the front of his tabard but it's turned inside out. Both Archival and Mykael recognize the surname as one of the major noble houses of Brevoy, but know no further information.

"A pleasure to meet you," He says with a dignified nod. "I think we will work well together in future. I can just feel it in the air."

"Ah yes, I've handwritten so many of the wanted posters I can recite it off by heart. 'For the alive capture of turncoat and bandit Falgrim Sneeg. Identifying marks: Varisisan olive complexion, thin figure, brown eyes, scar on left forearm. Reward: 4 weapons of highest military quality, negotiated reward if dead. Contact Kesten Garess, at Oleg's trading post or Restov Barracks.'

"And indeed, here I am at the trading post. Last time I was asked for clues. He's been spotted once down here, on the road you came in, about two months ago. There were no good tracks to follow by the time I got here.

"I can only assume he's with the one they call the Stag Lord. Either that or mauled by some savage beast. If he's very lucky he may have evaded the law, but I don't want to think of that possibility."

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Post Date: 12th Jul, 2015 - 10:56pm / Post ID: #

ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue
A Friend

ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 87

Archival, having gathered all of the information he feels he can at this time of night, makes his way to assist Caelum in caring for Midnight. He shares the details with Caelum and decides to pay 7 gold as 10 days advance to Oleg for his room and stable services. After doing so he turns in for the night in order to wake up early to meet everyone.

Out of Character: Starting tomorrow, I would like to utilize the rules for downtime adventuring. "Spending 1 day of downtime adventuring earns you XP as if you had defeated an opponent whose CR was equal to your character level.. .. You do not earn any treasure or other capital for downtime adventuring." (PFSRD, Downtime, Earn XP - it's also described in the Ultimate Campaign book.) Unless of course the others are nearby or you decide you don't want to use this system biggrin.gif

Reconcile Edited: Diarmadhim on 12th Jul, 2015 - 11:03pm

13th Jul, 2015 - 3:06am / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 87

Game Master says...

Out of Character: That is a really strange rule... A player's CR is technically his class level -1. So you are fighting a harder challenge, assuming you succeed, and gaining XP. But it is stretched out over the whole day...
I'll see if I can come up with something.

For now, why don't you both enjoy 200 XP for arriving at Oleg's!

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