ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 11 of 105

Out of character Alright so my mount is already - Page 11 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 12th Aug, 2013 - 9:15pm

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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue Related Information to ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue
11th Aug, 2013 - 2:59pm / Post ID: #
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 11

Game Master says...

Shivas slowly backs down the hill, about 20', and loses sight of the four, while she strains hard to track the other 2 wolves' movement. Now they break into a walk, knowing the target has seen them. Shivas dismounts and tells Brute to guard, (You forgot Handle Animal, I rolled you an 8, sorry) drawing her bow. Brute seems unsure, but stands for the moment. One arrow flies past the closest wolf, now at 270 feet away. It emits a bark and runs at you (Covering an amazing 200ft), as does the other one.

The four feeders look up and the largest one howls and growls as it prowls slowly. The other 3 start to run towards you.

Your second arrow flies with far greater precision and strength (Using the next roll of 11 +2, to confirm a critical). The creature's head snaps back, spurting blood from its punctured cheek (13 damage). It yelps loudly in pain, still barely alive, and slows to a stop, before lying down.

The second closest wolf yelps and jumps back at the sight. A series of feral instructions from the main wolf cause the others to switch direction and run away. Your pot shots are ineffective, except to scare them off. The main wolf takes a detour, scooping up their previous meal as it runs off. Brute whinnies and poses victoriously.

Out of Character: Good initiative on rolling initiative (Laugh), the wolves had rolled an 8. Lucky, or else I probably would've had the wolf already mauling you before that critical (And it may not have confirmed with a scimitar). You use Dexterity for ranged attack rolls, but Strength for damage.

With the guard action, I assume that's one of the Tricks you want him to have. You have to pick 5 more from the list of Tricks, he doesn't automatically know all of them. Or choose to "Train an Animal for a Purpose".

Now with horse attacks, the Bestiary entry says "Melee 2 hooves -2 (1d4+1)" So on each round, it gets 2 attacks, but at -2, and each does 1d4+1 damage. If you choose the Combat Trained purpose, the horse loses its -2 penalty with its hooves, but it only responds to a specific set of instructions.

Descriptive posts are the best posts, and thanks for also writing what Shivas was trying to achieve with each action.

"Stolen lands are south," He replies. "I'm sorry I can't help you any more with that."

Crossing the road and entering the drinking hall, the young woman at the counter puts a bottle of whiskey in front of Tuj, but refuses to test its flammability. She suggests perhaps lamp oil from across the road at the outdoors supply store, arguing it burns hotter and is more reliable.

Comparing the two and their prices, both cost 1 sp a pint, but whiskey weighs only 0.5 lb and oil is 1 lb.

As far as leads go, the hall has a 7 patrons, despite the early hours. Two of them look like on-duty guards. I require a Diplomacy check to Gather Information, with additional details on where Tuj limits himself to (If at all), and a Disguise check to pass as a gnome or something else.

Out of Character: Jaro becomes slowed above 75 lbs as a Medium load, with a maximum at 225 lbs. (13 strength, Medium, quadruped, by the Carrying Capacity rules). Also I'm pretty sure the point of the Mount feature is to mount it tongue.gif.

Reconcile Edited: iCon on 11th Aug, 2013 - 3:04pm

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11th Aug, 2013 - 4:20pm / Post ID: #

Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

Shivas sigh's with relief that the wolves didn't pursue the battle. She mounts Brute after his proud display of triumph and watches and listens intently as they continue down the road. Shivas say's a prayer to Sarenrae for the loss of the wolf's life. Her adrenaline keeping her on high alert as she makes her way towards her destination.

Out of Character: : I believe I stated all the tricks for brute in the questions thread, you even responded to me about how I had the tricks so to speak, because I was confused as to how I could have handle animal.
(Are you tired? I thought I was the goofy one! laugh.gif ) I picked Attack, Down, Work, Guard, Heel, and Track. Making it a mix of things I might have used my horse for at home between hunting and working.

Thanks for the information on Brutes attack damage rolls and ranged attack rolls with the dexterity modifier. And I will remember to roll for handle animal next time. Sorry I'll get it all eventually. Been reading but it can still be a bit confusing in how it reads.

Perception 16+3=19

12th Aug, 2013 - 1:37am / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Game Master says...

The wolf that you hit surprises you when its eyes move, following your movement. But it remains lying in the grass, defeated.

Out of Character: Mechanically, it's on 0hp and staggered. It's trying to avoid strenuous action to remain stable.

Rather off topic, but...
Tired doesn't even begin to describe it. Luckily Monday is a very early end. Take your time learning the system, no worries. In fact, I only read the Ride and Handle rules when Tuj posted his character. It comes with time.

12th Aug, 2013 - 2:24am / Post ID: #

Page 11 Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

Out of Character:: I'm going to back track with the new information...

In Character :
Shivas seeing the poor wolfs eye's following her as she moves to leave, feels a pain in her heart and pity for the poor creature. Shivas feels in her heart that the poor suffering creature may learn from this that men are dangerous. Shivas is pretty sure that the wolf will run away not having the courage or the strength to fight her alone. She talks softly and comfortingly to the strangely beautiful yet incredibly dangerous animal stroking its thick fur as she attempts to save it's life. Saying her prayers to her Goddess she closes her eyes in concentration. She attempts to stabilize the wolf and channels her healing energy on the wolf, hoping it will not recover and attack her again.

Out of Character: : Channel Energy roll 3 (1d6)
Stabilize roll 16 (1d20)
(Not sure if I needed one? Thought about the frost bite with the save roll?)

Rather off topic, but...
Don't hurt yourself get plenty of rest or you'll end up as silly as me.

Reconcile Edited: Canabusis on 12th Aug, 2013 - 2:24am

12th Aug, 2013 - 1:23pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

Game Master says...

You remove the arrow, breaking the feathers and pulling it through the cheek. The deep gash is horrible, but you lift your symbol and life fills the air around you. Grass within a 30 foot circle begins to gain color and the wolf's wound begins to shrink. It hadn't closed completely, but the wolf regained its stamina. It slowly gets up and whimpers, backing away with its head down. Then it turns and walks off to join its pack.

Travelling along the road, you finally seem to reach its end in the afternoon. A wooden structure is placed at the very end, and you note another road leading east. The structure is walled with 10 foot high logs, with neglected catapults visible in each corner atop four 20 foot wtachtowers. The path leads you around and you see a 20 foot wide gate on the southern side.

Out of Character: Even 1 point of healing automatically stabilizes a creature. If you're using the Stabilize spell, there is no roll, or if you use the Heal skill to stabilize someone, that requires a roll and a standard action.

Post Date: 12th Aug, 2013 - 6:53pm / Post ID: #

ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue
A Friend

ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue

Theaton will ignore the pleas for release and will stash the items not wanted by the others in among his stuff. Theaton will relax at his bedroll and go through his weapons to make sure everything is well cared for.

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12th Aug, 2013 - 7:43pm / Post ID: #

ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 11

Shivas reaches the gate and looks for a guard to open it for her. "Well met, I wish to seek shelter for the night at an Inn. Have I reached New Stetven or perhaps I have made it to my destination of Orleg's trading post?"

Out of Character: : Unsure whether I made it all the way there or not? You had stated that New Stetven was on the way and on the road to Orleg's?

Post Date: 12th Aug, 2013 - 9:15pm / Post ID: #

ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue
A Friend

ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 11

Out of character Alright so my mount is already carrying quite a lot, I won't strap anything then. I will take some of the items in my own pack, and I will buy a pack for Alisha as well to leave all of us at a light load hopefully. If you want me to break it down into who is carrying what and how much it weighs I will do so in my next post. Also I will skip on the alcohol, I already have 10 flasks of lantern oil.
I am assuming you only wanted one roll for each considering if one guard makes an action the other will follow. But correct me if I am wrong.

Diplomacy: 8 + 0 ([Charisma]) + 2 (Noble savage) = 10
Disguise:15 +0 ([Charisma]) + 2 (Ugly swine) = 17

Edit: (Forgot I had ugly swine)

Reconcile Edited: Anoki on 12th Aug, 2013 - 9:18pm

> TOPIC: ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue


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