Alberta's oil sands could become the single biggest contributor to new global supply within 10 years, according to a report released Wednesday by CIBC World Markets.
Having a large oil supply so close to the United States should help lower the price of oil in the future. Since oil will not have to be shipped from the middle east, and we have a free trade agreement in north america, I can see the possibility of oil going lower and staying lower. Canada should be in a good position money wise, which is good for them since their government funds their health program. I would have guessed Canada last in line for where the next big oil discoveries will be found.
This wealth, however has not really meant an increase in Canadian living standards except Alberta.
Sure, the Canadian dollar is now almost pegged to the U.S., but this has not created equal wealth.
A Newfoundlander steals has a 2/10 chance of not having work. Yes, that high.
There are still alcoholism problems among the Inuit of the north.
Why don't other provinces follow Alberta's Savings and Retirement Fund to increase their standard of living?
I am not advocating socialism. I believe in capitalism. But the one problem with capitalism is that it's very self-centered and is never holistic.