It is not a matter of hypnotizing bacteria and other viruses. It is a matter of telling your self that you are not going to get sick. You train your mind to in a way to take control of your body. The mind is a very powerful tool if trained correctly. I have over many years trained my mind to not allow my body to get sick. I started way back in 1982. I have not taken sick days off from work due to me being sick in over 20 years. Except when I got a MERSA, I found that a hard bugger to defeat. I have dealt with flus and other sicknesses that went through family members but never got me sick at all.
I don't know. I will not say is not possible, but I would need strong scientific proofs to fully accept this thing. I have an "If...then..." Vision of life and reality which means I believe in a world in which each action has a consequence and every observable fact has a cause determinating it. Linking each cause to its effect, is a process that explains why and how those two phenomena are connected between them. I would need to understand the process before saying yes.
We can affect psichological illnesses or self-immune pathologies, maybe, because they come from and affect our body and our mind. But thinking to be able to stop a virus is like saying that, with an act of will, I can prevent a punch to make my eye become purple or a bar of iron to break my arm even hitting it with full power. I need a medical explanation for that.
Well for that I have no medical or scientific explanation other than my own observations. I heard from some monks that if you train your mind properly you can do amazing things with it. Due to the fact that Scientist say that most of us only use 10% of our mind it made me wonder what one could do if they were able to use more of it. I feel it is my mental control that I use to get rid of major headaches and other pains that I live with daily to continue to function as a member of society.
I do know it works. Like a person who can break things with his/her bare hands or one who can preform some amazing tricks of strength. The mind is like any other muscle in the body if you use it and train it it becomes stronger. I never will tell you that the process that I have learned was easy. In the beginning I thought it was a waste of time but I never gave up. Over time I did find some things easier and that caused me to keep working at it till I am at the point now in my life that I do not take any drugs or vitamins to keep myself healthy. I find it funny when doctors/nurses ask what meds I take and then act surprised when I tell them none. I guess most people my age are on a lot of medications.
This is very interesting. Specially the point in which you state that you have a good health even not taking any kind of medicine for helping yourself with that. Many people in the so called "Advanced" Countries abuse of drugs and medicines. I'm strongly against that practice and I believe that most of the chemicals we are given are nothing more than a way to indulge to our laziness and lack of self control.
Whatever the reason behind your achievement, you are probably the proof that, with care and good will, it is possible to live without medicines unless, of course, in case of serious problems.
I can attest to what KNtoran says as I know what he is talking about and I am no medical expert either. The Placebo Effect is a very powerful tool.
For me experience mostly trumps a degree (so called "Expert" Opinion), especially when most doctors tell you things that defy their own logic just like the smoking doctor that tells you to give up smoking or the fat doctor that tells you to lose weight or to drink plenty milk for health yet kids run around with mucus falling from their noses.
A lot of physical illness is caused by poor mental attitude.
With that said I believe the body is quite capable of healing itself once given the right fuel and not bombarded by waste (junk, mucus dairy, drugs, etc.), the rest is mostly mental. If you are an active person where you reach the point of breaking a sweat during the day then you are also less likely to feel the effects of any attacking sickness because your body is already in a heated heightened mode just right to get rid of foreign intruders. This is something that bed ridden sick people have to imitate through fever.
With that said if you have treated your body so badly that you've reached the point of needing a surgeon to get something out then there is little your mind can do at that point because you have given the decision making to the tumor, disease, bacteria that has overridden your body that you have become aloof from due to your treating your physical self so bad.
If you are interested, related Threads to this:
* Faith Healing Vs. Medical Treatment
* Faith Kills Pain?
Yes I am one that believes that modern medicines are causing a lot of issues with super bugs and super viruses to become common place to the rampant over medicating people for every little sniffle or cold. Then you add in the over processing of food in many civilized countries and your now adding even more chemicals to the equation. I believe this is causing a increase in many of the ailments that our generation and our kids are going through.
With that being said I am now reading labels a lot more and try to go to farmers markets more to get fresh unprocessed foods for my family to consume. I think this with the fact that my family does not use very many medication and the fact that they see me using mental strength to over come many ailments and not get sick they are starting to try the same method. I am hoping that they are able to get to the point I am at so they can lead a much healthier life and be free of sickness.
I am unsure if my mental state will keep me from some of the major illnesses that some suffer and I know from my military service and the things I went through that I am at a much higher risk for some. I am daily telling myself that I am not going to develop cancer or any other illness that can seriously effect my health. So far it is working in my belief and that is the main part of the method I use.
I tell those around me that it is mind over matter. The human mind is a terrible thing to waste. I see so many who just want people and medical staff to care for them and take all the pills that are prescribed to them. I believe that if they gave the mind over matter thing a good try they can get off the various medications that they take. When I say a good try I am not talking a day or two but months. If you do not see any results after six months of trying this then you can say it does not work for you. But six month or half a year of training your mind to help six some of the issues you have with your body can make a difference. It may be a small difference but remember I started off with only seeing a small result and now I can do much more.
I agree to some extent to what you said there. We have a strong point in common: being not ready to swallow drugs and chemicals every time we catch a flu or other minor nuisance. As for defeating illnesses with the power of our mind, I still have my reserves.
I agree that the mind is a powerful tool and that, educated properly, can do wonderful things. But there are limits. A virus is an external agent, created to affect our body. Is like a gun: if activated will fire a bullet that will penetrate our body. Now, simple viruses can be blocked resorting to our own immune system which is made stronger by a firm will and, most of all, by an active and healthy lifestyle. But some bacteria and most viruses are perfect killing machines, specialized in living and multiplying inside our bodies. I will never believe that the power of the mind can protect us from such agents since, some of them, become even more dangerous when opposed by a vigorous reaction. Saying so means changing subject from medicine (science) to paranormal (shamanism).
I understand your position because even though I am able to keep from being sick does not mean I do not feel my body react to a virus or other illness that tries to capture my body. I can feel sickness trying to take over. This is where I use a lot of my mind power to tell my body to reject the thing that is trying to make me sick. I know that I do not have the power to stop parasites, bacterial or viruses from entering my body but I like to think that I can control my body enough to reject these attempts to make me feel ill.
I do feel my body get run down and I feel when my body temp starts to rise giving me the warning signs that a sickness is trying to take over. It is during these times that I will go lay down and close my eyes to concentrate on getting rid of what is trying to ail me.