On the face of it I'm not thrilled with idea of using FP to ensure a roll of 20 in the games that I run. I'm just not a fan of players being able to buy success in a role playing game. I guess it could be integrated assuming the FP cost was high enough to make its use rare. I would prefer FP being used maybe to reroll a bad dice roll, or like in a Dungeons & Dragons 5E game to gain advantage on a roll (Essentially using it to buy inspiration).
On the other hand I can see how it could be an incentive for players to post more and earn FP, or donate to the site in order to gain FP and ultimately an advantage in whatever game they are playing. Still, my immediate reaction to the idea is negative overall.
Thank you for the feedback and I understand your concerns hence I have not implemented it yet.
I do not believe that using FP to ensure a roll of a 20 is the right thing. While for the character this is something to help them in a battle it just does not feel right for me. If this is put in place I would say it should be up to each Dungeon Master as to where they are willing to have it in their games. I for one would not want it as it takes away from the experience of role play. Sometimes you get great rolls, sometimes you get bad rolls. How you deal with the bad rolls can help develop your character much better.
As an example, in 5th Edition there are times when a player would have advantage or disadvantage on a roll and would roll a d20 twice. If they have advantage they would take the higher roll but if they have disadvantage they must take the lower roll.
Characters start with Inspiration which allows them to take the advantage on one dice roll during a session. The Dungeon Master can grant the character Inspiration for doing something cool or memorable. I believe the actual mechanic is that a character either has Inspiration or they don't (You don't have more than one point of inspiration at any given time) but there are some house rules that allow for points of Inspiration similar to Savage Worlds use of Bennies.
From a recent experience if I may… I think one thing that can be added to the dice is an option to check the bonus after the dice roll rather than with each dice roll. For example if I need to roll 2d8+3 then if I put 1D8 +3 x2 the result will really be 2-16+6 because of how the form calculates.