If you're feeling under the weather this winter, before you head to your doctor's office, take a trip to your kitchen. When you feel the first signs of a winter-borne bug, a scratchy throat, a runny nose, an achy feeling, Women's Health magazine suggests it's time for some feel-good foods.
My Grandma also used to make me chicken soup when I had a cold or fever. This has been time proven to work through the years.(apparently it's the clear chicken stock that does it!
Another thing that she used to make was hot milk and honey, and you used to 'sweat' it out whilst ill in bed.
A rather strange sounding one for sore throats that she used was 2 tea spoons (small size)of butter, mixed with 2 tea spoons of sugar, a great reliever for sore throats, as the sugar, was gritty on your throat, and the butter greased your throat, both enabling a quicker recovery. My Grandma's family had been using these methods for over 100 years, I still use them now. I firmly believe in the 'oldies but goodies' theory!
I never knew this was actually true, I just thought it was something mothers were supposed to say. The article link doesn't work anymore, but I will have to do some research and find out what it is in chicken soup that helps fight colds, etc. I'll probably need to keep some of it around the house if it really does help in cases like those.
I dug up some research for you on this subject. It looks like most of its cure comes from the steam and its anti-inflammatory properties. It breaks up congestions and soothes the inflamed throat, rushing relief to the weary cold sufferer.