Black Cat
How do you rate this anti-heroine?
The character has been the occasional star of mini-series, though she most frequently appears as a supporting character in the cast of various Spider-Man comics and other titles set in the Marvel Universe. The Black Cat began a career in crime out of respect and adoration for her cat burglar father, but kept it on as a misguided attempt to attract the attentions of Spider-Man. Felicia and Peter Parker/Spider-Man have been very close in the past, and she is fully aware of his secret identity.
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Black Cat is an odd character for Marvel Universe. Its obvious that she is not good in that she is a burglar. But when ever Spider-Man is in trouble, she comes to his rescue. She was completely good during the entire Venom/Carnage saga. It lasted for quit a long time, but she was good the entire time. It seems like the only reason she is a burglar is for her fathers memory, but deep down, she is good at heart. I don't believe she has any super powers either, but extraordinary athleticism and she is in good shape.