Not willing to spear any of the Village guards, the Elders are seeking to have the Southern parts of the Village patrolled to keep down the number of wanderers they have seen approaching from the South.
GM: Those joining in this mission must not be active in the Second Party. You must report to the Camp thread and choose a leader who then posts Party Order. The minimum for this mission is at least 4 Warriors. Other classes can join in, but there must be at least 4 Warriors as the Elders will not hire a bunch of magicians and thieves for a patrol mission. Having your own horse or a horse and wagon is a definite plus.
Assembled You humbly request an audience with the wise Elders about their most recent announcement of a hardy group needed to bravely patrol the deadly Southern parts of the land. You are informed in a round about way that you are only granted such an audience because there aren't many willing to go on such dangerous missions. You ignore the 'politeness' of the wayward guards and make your way to the Elders.
The Elders, inquire of your equipment and skills. They seemed relatively impressed that you are well prepared. You are told the following:
1. The South is overrun by bandits and likely they are trying to gradually make the Village a difficult place to live because so many peaceful residents are constantly worried about being robbed.
2. You are to patrol the South and rid the area of any bandits that you find. They add that no mercy should be given and no prisoners taken. They ask if you have any problems with those instructions? They seem to want to know if you are of soft hand and thought.
3. They also suggest that you find their lair or lairs and gut and burn them so that no one else will care to take up their trade. They ask if you can do this?
They then in a hurried manner ask if you have any questions before they return to other urgent matters.
GM: Say what you will do now.
Klar speaks,
"Ye have no fear that we will be letting any who cross us live."
Then pointing to Beowolf and Kalfie Klar continues,
"Myself and these two have to settle a score with them."
With more then a bit of venom in his voice,
"Burning the curs out of home will be a great pleasure."
You then ask if anything will be supplied for your journey. The Elders say they can give you sufficient rations that you will need for the journey and make an indication to one of their servants to see to it. The Elders quickly leave the hall and ask that you keep them updated on their way out.
You are then motioned by the Elder's servant to follow him to a special storage room where you see an array of food supplies. He asks what you need for your journey.
GM: Say what you will do now.
The servant raises a brow at your tall order. He goes into the store room and returns with disappointing news,
"Sirs, I have not sufficient to give thee this much. I can but give thee a maximum of 60 rations and the required skins. I must keep for the local soldiers as their hunger is great and their patience thin"
He does not wait for approval and heads back into the storage room where he gradually brings out the number of rations you requested. He then rushes off to meet up with the Elders after locking the store room.
GM: 9:00am. Say what you will do now.
You collect your supplies together and lay it within your newly acquired wagon.
You purchase some more things while noting that everyone is now watching your small assembly and some inquire about your movements and plans.
GM: Say what you choose to tell your inquisitors in the next Party Order along with your other information.
It is a clear day and very hot. You ride out to the mid point of Death's Mouth and the Village. It takes most of the day but you find yourself in the plains with nothing around for miles really but open area, a mixture of grass and rock. There are no trees nearby.
GM: Say what you will do now. 3:00pm.
Earlier before you left the Village, you told your inquisitors that you are heading out to deliver goods for the monastery in another village. Thinking about it now you wonder if that was a good idea judging from the looks you got with your clad armor and weapons.
You anxiously look around for a good vantage point to comfortably settle, but for many miles around you see only rough flat plains and of course the rocky mountains to the South. You do remember passing trees here and there from the North, but that will mean you will have to go back the way you came and thus nightfall will soon be upon you.
GM: Party Stats Updated.
You turn around and head back North. After about an hour's journey you spot a single tree. You start to come across trees here and there (see image to the left) in which you could possibly get enough wood to set up camp, but not cover like a forest. You realize that you will have to be almost within the range of the Village in order to have the cover of branches and green. You ponder about the wasted distance and not being able to see the South mountains.
GM: 4:00pm. Say what you will do now. Will you go even further North or stay here.
You set up camp using what little you can find. A slender tree does make good firewood though, but little in the way of cover. The air is chilled and clear, the dark night soon comes and in the far distance you can hear the sounds of the familiar - wolves' howls. They are probably reacting to seeing the two moons which shines around you.
You create a camp fire with 'dummies' around it, but it matters not, your wagon and horses also remain as a distraction, and with no cover and a fire going you stand out in the middle of the plains like a large wart on a witch's nose. This makes you uneasy and you cannot sleep, your stomach also growls with hunger.
GM: 7:00PM. Say who is up and who is sleeping and where everyone is exactly.