Choosing a spot that is off the beaten tracks far enough to be hidden but close enough to be able to hear any on the path.
Usable wood for the night is collected and stored in the wagon for the night. Traps are placed around the camp to trip any that come to close and some to knock a man off a horse. Also around the camp are set wolf snares.
Further west of the camp Kalfie sets animal snares for game. While doing so he will look for viable water sources and note their location for future use.
Once completed dry rations will be ate and the group will ready for the night. Dummies to be set around camp and will be laid to appear as sleeping near dusk. Every one will take cover and watch for any who approach.
All will stay awake till 11:00 pm when Klar Cirdan and Krusten will rest. Kalfie and Beowolf will take watch in nearby trees and the rest wall sleep in wagon.
end post
Please be specific where you like to take your cover. In morning we can explore the mountains more.
Edited: krakyn on 29th May, 2008 - 7:50pm
Beowolf yes we followed the mountains north as to go south was to walk into the front door of the thieves den. FYI many tried that many died. Its a narrow passage with 10 to 20 bows pointing straight down and a large group of riders to say howdy.
In going north we found the wagon tracks of the supply trains. There is no where to encamp along the mountains so we camp by the tracks tonight and go explore more in am. There is that second passage through the mountains. can we sneak in on them I do not know be a good day ride on horse.
Second option we settle in where there is food and water and start nabbing their supplies. They are bound to send scouts which we can take out and hopefully get us another wagon and horses in the process. Thin them a bit then go in for the kill.
Now this is my thoughts if they are not your desires please help me by placing details as to how you see us getting this done.