Why Would Aliens Be Interested In Us?
Disease Related
Name: Eseta
Comments: Why would aliens be interested in us? Higher beings from another galaxy would probably have better things to do than look at our primitive world and ideas, so what do you think is the reason they would be interested?
It is in a scientific mind that one can learn a lot more about their own histories watching a live show instead of digging up and studying old records and bones. IF they had a turbulent history and rose above it they can look a us and learn where their forefathers made choices that lead them to the civilizations they currently have.
They are probably interested in us because we must be the first beings to be seen by one that we probably have not seen yet. Probably these Aliens have not seen other life than themselves for some period of time until they saw us. That is my theory.
This is definitely a good question and I've like put it down to:
- They're bored out of their minds
- They see you like play things
- They're plotting to take over the planet
- We're just a big lab experiment and we don't know it.
Being that I'm not officially an alien I can't give you the official answer but my theory if you like want to go with that is they don't want to take over the planet Hitler style they probably want to do it making it look like we're in control but its really them.
In my opinion it depends on who are the aliens. A young race would want to study us out of curiosity, like we would do with them, while an ancient race that encountered hundreds of other civilizations would maybe just ignore us.
But is not easy to say: an alien race would also have an alien mind. Impossible for us forecast their interests or logic.