Woman in doghouse over Jehovah's Witness sign
A British woman has been ordered by police to take down a sign on her garden gate which read "Our dogs are fed on Jehovah's Witnesses." Janet Grove, who owns a terrier puppy called Rabbit, insisted the sign was a gentle joke to discourage callers at her front door.
Ref. https://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060728/od_nm/jehovah_dc
Personally, I think this is hysterical! Its her personal property, no one is hurt, and it gets its point across. Don't care that it offends a particular religious group, welcome to america. Its a beautiful place when you can put up something on your property that offends someone and its ok. This isn't even derogatory, it just offends some other group. I can't believe someone actually believes that she deserves to get in trouble for this.
That's England for you!
Considering that the sign had been up for 30 years, there must have been more of a majority that had passed by who weren't in the least bit offended.
This country is getting the way that you can't open your mouth any more for fear that you are offending someone!
It was so obviously a joke, okay, it might appeal to some people's sense of humor better than others, but for goodness sake, when all's said and done it was just a joke, and in my opinion, was unwarranted to feel the need to involve the police.
I`m one of jehovah`s witnesses and don`t think any thing is bad about that. We know that people don`t like being disturbed and we tend not to get bent out of shape when people voice there opinion, I`ve talked to people that have had a pot of hot sauce thrown in there face or there house owner come to the door with a shot gun. I don`t think a sign was bad and it was no matter for the police.
Name: Sqidge
Title: funny sign
Comments: Just to say that I am a witness and I would find it very funny and not in the least offensive if I came across such a sign. It is very unlikely that it was a member of our faith that complained. Every witness that has heard this story thinks the sign was a bit of fun. If a person does not want us to call on them they just need to ask and we will respect that and make a note not to call.
The things people get offended at? I may not see eye to eye with others but it's their own beliefs and opinions. If their not hurting someone why hurt them? I have a great many diverse friends of different races, religions and sexual orientation. I wouldn't do the things they do or believe all the things they believe. We joke about our various races and even religions or lack there of. We all have a sense of humor and don't take such insignificant things to heart. We as a people shouldn't be so serious, take things with a grain of salt.