Before humans became aware of electronic games, board games dominated the market. For some, board games will never be replaced. What do you think?
Sure, in this X-Boxed, e-gamed world, you can find hours of entertainment at the touch of a button. But some people still prefer gaming the old-fashioned way - with a group of family or friends seated around a table, interacting with each other as well as the game.
For me, nothing can beat a good Board game because the element of human interaction is priceless. Yes you can network against other players via a computer, but it just is not the same. Also a Board gives you a bird's eye view of what is going on, something that just cannot be had with any electronic game.
I am forced to agree with JB on this one. Board games are some of the best times I have ever spent with friends and family. The human interaction can't be beat by any amount of technology. Not to mention how much more relaxing it is to be sitting around a table playing a game rather than sitting in front of a computer screen for hours. A good portion of people I know sit in front of a computer for work, why would they want to sit at a computer to play a game if they could be sitting around a table talking and relaxing. Who is up for a good game of Monopoly?
I agree. Nothing can beat a boardgame. Some of the fondest memories I have of playing games involve board games. Twister is one in particular that always seems to be fun because everyone can look and act stupid together.
I've noticed that when I play video games with my fiance, our focus tends to be on the game the majority of the time, because it has to be. When we play board games together, we're on our own pace, and it allows us quality time to just sit and talk about our day and what's going on in our world. We don't get to see each other very much during the week, and so we enjoy those times where we can sit and just be with each other with no time schedule.
Nothing will ever replace a game night at home with your family all wrapped around the monopoly board. So many good memories of those nights.
Now with my four brothers and sister all grown up and at college or in the military. We have found that e-games are the solution. Its hard but at least once a month we all log onto ICQ and get a game of spades or any of the other games going just to stay in touch. So board games will never be replaced, but e-games can be a great tool of keeping family in touch.
I guess it really just depends on my mood. Being a teenager I have grown-up with computer games rather than board games. But it is more relaxing and comforting to play a board game with family and friends. It doesn't have to be an older board game, like monopoly or scrabble, it could even be the new Star Wars board game that me and my friends have come accustomed to playing together. But computer games do have the advantage of being able to add a visual and sometimes more exciting, or adventureous view. So really it would depend on the mood I'm in, or the people I'm with to which I would paly.