Sharia In The U. S.

Sharia U S - Studies of Islam - Posted: 31st Mar, 2006 - 12:50am

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Poll: Do you think the Islamic agenda is to implement Sharia way in the USA especially?
  Yes       33.33%
  No       66.67%
Total Votes: 3
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Post Date: 8th Jun, 2005 - 9:08pm / Post ID: #


Sharia In The U. S.

One may see the poll as ridiculous, but for an Islamist it may be real. The poll has been started not as a means to an end, but to 'check' the general thinking of those who view this thread.


This is well known to most Muslims, yet Sharia is always referred to as "based upon the Koran", hence it is the "will of God". One sees traces of many non-Muslim juridical systems in the Sharia, such as Old Arab Bedouin law, commercial law from Mecca, agrarian law from Madina, law from the conquered countries, Roman law and Jewish law. Also, calling the Sharia 'law' can be misleading, as Sharia extends beyond law. Sharia is the totality of religious, political, social, domestic and private life. Sharia is primarily meant for all Muslims, but applies to a certain extent also for people living inside a Muslim society. Muslims are not totally bound by the Sharia when they live or travel outside the Muslim world.

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9th Jun, 2005 - 12:31am / Post ID: #

S U The Sharia

It is, without any doubt whatsoever, the firm agenda of Islam to extend Sharia over the entire world. It is completely ingrained in all Muslim cultures, is the foundation of Jihad throughout the ages, and is publicly proclaimed by almost all clerics, spokesmen, and proponents of Islam.

29th Mar, 2006 - 12:05am / Post ID: #

Sharia In The U. S. Islam Studies

I have to disagree that it is an Islamic agenda to extend Sharia over the US and the entire world. The definition of Sharia states that it should govern both public and private lives of those living within the state. The US is not an Islamic state so Sharia should not be implemented here. Now, if one were to say that extreme Islamists (since Islamists can also refer to simple observants of Islam) had an agenda for imposing Sharia around the world, then I would tend to agree more with that statement. This is, of course, my humble opinion on the matter.

29th Mar, 2006 - 2:24am / Post ID: #

S U The Sharia

You are correct, Sharia is meant to be the law of the state. That is the point. Islam seeks to envelope the entire world within its grip. That was the purpose of Jihad in the Middle Ages. That is the purpose of Wahhabism and Iran.

In my opinion, of course.

29th Mar, 2006 - 2:31am / Post ID: #

S U The Sharia

I still believe that trying to envelope the world in Islam is not a basic principle of Islam, but more of an objective of extremist Islamic groups. I guess this is the differentiation I am trying to make. I have listened to many Islamic religious leaders who do not profess that Islam should dominate the world. It would seem to be more of an objective of groups such as Hamas, etc. All again, in my opinion.

Post Date: 30th Mar, 2006 - 9:18pm / Post ID: #

Sharia In The U. S.
A Friend

Sharia In The U. S.

It is, without any doubt whatsoever, the firm agenda of Islam to extend Sharia over the entire world. It is completely ingrained in all Muslim cultures, is the foundation of Jihad throughout the ages, and is publicly proclaimed by almost all clerics, spokesmen, and proponents of Islam.

Actually this is a common misconception. You cannot apply shariah to non-muslims for one. Spreading of our law is not a reason for Jihad, in fact, Jihad simply means struggle. And struggles take place just walking down the streets of America. Most of those "Clerics" "spokepersons" and "Proponents" are Sheey'ah, and well.. Those guys are crazy so I can't speak for them, but they scare the crap out of me. =)

You are correct, Sharia is meant to be the law of the state. That is the point. Islam seeks to envelope the entire world within its grip. That was the purpose of Jihad in the Middle Ages.

Actually, Muslims would love to see everyone avoid the Hellfire by submitting to Allah, However, there is no compulsion in Islam, and the Middle Ages, I can only assume that you are referring to the "Crusades" Which were started by the Christians, albeit the most land/moneyhungry and worst of examples of them, but Christians nonetheless. Muslims did not start the crusades. And Jihad means struggle, not holy war.

that Islam should dominate the world. It would seem to be more of an objective of groups such as Hamas.

Actually the sole agenda of Hamas is to re-establish Palestine and cause the state of Israel to cease to exist by any means necessary, or at least it was before they joined the fray of politics

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30th Mar, 2006 - 10:01pm / Post ID: #

Sharia The U. S.

Actually the sole agenda of Hamas is to re-establish Palestine and cause the state of Israel to cease to exist by any means necessary, or at least it was before they joined the fray of politics

With all due respect, I don't believe Hamas a sole agenda. While re-establishing Palestine is on the agenda, there are other ulterior motives such as eradicating Israel, for one. We have a discussion on Hamas in the Activism and Politics board. I would like to hear your perspectives there as well.

Post Date: 31st Mar, 2006 - 12:50am / Post ID: #

Sharia In The U. S.
A Friend

Sharia The U. S. Studies Islam

QUOTE (malexander @ 30-Mar 06, 5:01 PM)

With all due respect, I don't believe Hamas a sole agenda. While re-establishing Palestine is on the agenda, there are other ulterior motives such as eradicating Israel, for one.

huh.gif Uhm, I thought I just said that? But, anywho, Insha'Allah I will try to look at the other board.

Linguistically speaking Shariah means "non-exhaustive source of water from which people satisfy their thirst."

Offtopic but,
Interesting side note: Jesus(pbuh) is attributed in the Bible as stating many times through teachings that he was offering: a river of life;everlasting water;water which quenches all thirst.

Back to Shariah, the linquistic significance of Shariah is that the Islamic Laws are effectively a source of guidance. As water is the fundamental basis for life, the Islamic laws are an essential source for guiding human life.

Shariah is composed of all the laws derived from the legislative sources in Islam. They govern not just marriage, divorce, and other obvious aread, but every action performed by an individual or a society. The term Shariah is also synonymous with Fiqh.
There is also a distinction of Hukm Sharii, these are the governing rules that cover which of our actions to do or not to do.

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