Kauai Wolf Spider
KOLOA, Hawaii - No one had ever photographed a baby Kauai wolf spider being carried on its mother's interlocking back hairs until two Hawaii scientists caught the shot. The endangered Kauai wolf spider is rarely seen, and the spiders themselves are blind. Researchers had previously known that the spiderlings use a row of teeth on their claws to grasp their mother's back.
Ref. https://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060126/ap_on_... Rs_photographed
It is interesting that the wolf spider is completely blind and uses chemical compounds on the ground to hunt with. Although, I suppose sight in a cave is not the best sense to have, because it is dark all or most of the time. Here is a working link of the picture of the wolf spider and its young perched on her back from Boston.com.
Biologists find surprising variability in courtship behaviors of wolf spiders
Studies of wolf spiders found that courtship displays help preserve genetic isolation between closely related species. Another study found that the species Gladicosa bellamyi used multi-modal communication to entice females. Ref. Source 7t.