This Bible figure** known as Elnathan, can be Discussed here.
Elnathan, Elnathan ben Achbor of Jerusalem was the father of Nehushta. Nehushta conceived Jeconiah with King of Judah Jehoiakim. Despite this close relationship to the king, Elnathan is one of those who, according to Jeremiah 36:25 opposes Jehoiakim when he cuts up and burns a scroll that had been brought to him, containing Jeremiah's prophesies of the forthcoming destruction of Judah. Elnathan's father Achbor was a strong supporter of the earlier reforms of king Josiah, which may have influenced[13] Elnathan's behaviour - though he had earlier been closely involved in the persecution of the prophet Uriah ben Shemaiah, according to Jeremiah 26:20-23. -- Wikipedia.