Oldest Game in Collection
What is the Oldest Game in your Collection that you refuse to give up?
My Red Alert 1 windows 95 edition and my Elder scrolls 1:arena and a favorite of mine King's Quest 5 I basically love classical games I would also have kept my prince of persia 2(dos version) if I haven't had lost it Edited: marve on 10th Feb, 2006 - 9:32pm
My oldest PC game would have to be Gothic 2 or Elderscrolls III :Morrowind, I'm not sure which was published First but I bought them both when Morrowind was released.
My oldest Game would be Jet Set Wiily, as I still Have the rubber Keyed ZX Spectrum playing every now and then.
The oldest game in my collection is sword of vermillion for the megadrive. This game is one of the best sega rpgs outhere and very very rare.