Short Term Addiction
Some humans may become addicted quickly to a substance, but do not wait til it takes such hold on them that they find it difficult to quit right after trying. For you, which substance did you have a Short Term Addiction with in the past?
I think I have mentioned this before, but I have a high addictive gene in me, so to speak, most of my familys bodies adjust to medication very quickly. As such, the biggest short term addiction is not narcotics or even antibiotics (which has happened as well) but to nasal spray! I got to the point in which I could not breathe at all with out using it. I used it for an entire year before getting off it with some homeopathic nasal decongestant spray. I won't touch it now since I know what can happen.
There was a period in my life that I had an immense craving for salt! Salt snacks, extra salt of foods, fries, potato chips, popcorn and all that commonly has salt. I'm not that way anymore, maybe my body went through a phase. *shrug*.