I think that this fact lends itself to a higher argument. Are Americans less educated that the rest of the world? The answer appears to be yes, but that is indeed a different argument. However, its seems being educated about geography is not given priority and more and more kids can't think of a reason that they would need to know geography of their own country. This is very sad to me, since I grew up knowing where almost every country in the world was. The study of other places and their traditions and cultures was something that always interested me, and it saddens me to see that love go away. In fact, so many people now don't even care that they can't tell you how to get to Iraq, none the less one of our own states.
Iran? Is That the One We Invaded?:
75 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 can't locate Iran on a map, according to a National Geographic-Roper Public Affairs Geographic Literacy Study in 2006, let alone be grateful for a complicated diplomatic deal crafted half a world away. Ref. Source 9k