The way the ILP getting so much coverage they might end up passing the COP in popularity.
Name: Agatha
Comments: What are you saying now? You must be one of those absolutely dumbfounded ones walking around. See how out of touch you are!
There is just so many possibilities with this new party. It could:
(1)become another PNM or UNC and be a fourth force to be reckoned with along with the COP
(2) displace the COP completely from the third spot forcing the incumbents to align with it to form a Government.
(3) Divide up the "Indian" Vote and hence damage the UNC thereby giving the PNM a carte blanche to power.
(4) Damage both the PNM and UNC leading to no party with a clear majority and since no one may want to align with it, we may have a "hung Parliament"
You are all free to contribute other possibilities and scenarios.