Hello everyone my name is Savio [..]. I'm 18 years old, I'm 6.0 ft tall and I weigh 63 kgs.. I'm a native Indian and I reside at [..] My passion is modelling which is not too easy. I'm a student of mass media communication and I'm currently doing my first year. I'm here looking for a model coordinator or a modelling agency that can help me make a career in the modelling industry.
Hi There
It is good to see you are interested in the Fashion Industry. We have the Modeling / Photography Board to help you learn more / share your experiences and so forth. You can also upload your best Portfolio image in the Gallery. However, before you get started, you may wish to look over the following links as they will help you become familiar with how the Community runs. Do enjoy your stay.
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Please do... upload your Model photos - check out Love Modeling for your own FREE Fashion Portfolio.