This website is dedicated to veterans and friends of veterans all over the world. It is maintained by an Australian veteran of the Vietnam war, Anthony W. Pahl. Recently, for his work with veterans, Mr. Paul was awarded the Order of Australia, an auspicious award indeed. Source 4c
This is from their Welcome Page:
This is good thought provoking poetry. Having not the honor of picking up a weapon in defense of my country I will not know what it is like to truly fight for freedom, and so I have due respect to those who layed down their lives for my sake. Honoring them through prose gives a calming ceremonial-like aura to their memory, and more especially from a country whose service is underrated in many wars of both yester year and today.
'A war within myself': USA TODAY documents one veteran's struggle for a life after combat
This is the story of one combat veteran's desperate fight against the self-destructive urges pulsing through a generation of men and women who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Through a series of interviews, an examination of a thousand pages of medical files and a review of Sgt. Brandon Ketchum's extensive journals, USA TODAY gained rare insight into what he called "A war within myself." Ref. USAToday.