2-year-old girl gets windpipe made from stem cells
Biotechnology News
CHICAGO (AP) ? A 2-year-old girl born without a windpipe now has a new one grown from her own stem cells, the youngest patient in the world to benefit from the experimental treatment.
Source: BioTech News Headlines - Yahoo! News
First child to receive windpipe grown from own stem cells dies
Biotechnology News
By Chris Francescani (Reuters) - Two-year-old Hannah Warren, the first child to receive a windpipe grown from her own stem cells, has died three months after a rare operation, the Children's Hospital of Illinois in Peoria said. The child was diagnosed with an uncommon congenital abnormality known as tracheal agenesis, which means her windpipe failed to develop. She could not talk, eat or swallow on her own, according to a website by her parents, Darryl and Young-Mi Warren. ...
Well it looks promising, but it's still being practiced on animals. I know most would think that you wouldn't want to try first on humans, but I have to say that if they where going to die without the treatment then it wouldn't be that much of a risk to begin with. I know it is meant to save lives, but how many lives are they taking for practice and study? I feel torn, like being ripped apart on both sides.