Consider the following quote and give your thoughts on it:
"The object and practice of liberty lies in the limitation of government power."
--General Douglas MacArthur - (1880-1964) WWII Supreme Allied Commander of the Southwest Pacific, Supreme United Nations Commander
Hmmmm... I read the statement at least four times to make sure my answer would be relevant.
Given aside that the quote was from a military person who had practical experience with fighting a war in the earlier decades of the twentieth century, Id have to agree.
However, the statement has no bearing on current affairs, politics, or trains of thought in conjunction with today,
But what do I really think?
Hell, yeah!
Which is to say that we are sheep following the dictates of our betters, unless those dictates annoy enough people to cause a riot.
We voted them into power, we have to live with the decisions of power. If you don't like the decision, hen move to a Pacific island where he population is nil plus you.
"Liberty, according to my metaphysics, is an intellectual quality, an attribute that belongs not to fate nor chance. Neither possesses it, neither is capable of it. There is nothing moral or immoral in the idea of it. The definition of it is a self-determining power in an intellectual agent. It implies thought and choice and power; it can elect between objects, indifferent in point of morality, neither morally good nor morally evil. " -- John Adams (1735-1826) Founding Father, 2nd US President Source: Letter to John Taylor 16 April 1814
"Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties."-- John Milton
I think the object and practice of liberty must NOT just lie in the limitation of of government power but TO EXCEED and prevail over it in pursuit of higher ideals enshrined in the constitution, like the ideals for truth and justice.
Given that democracy is a state of government of the people, by the people and for the people, the people must be forever vigilant and ensure constant check and balance amongst all the democratic institutions so that their respective government powers are not abused and used to defeat the pursuit of the higher ideals in freedom and liberty.
Debate: I beg to differ, liberty cannot just be a STATE OF MIND which you claim in basic sense. IT WOULD NOT BE LIBERATING AT AT ALL for liberty to be basically a state of mind. LIBERTY MUST CONNOTE RESPONSIBILITY AND THEREFORE ACTION. THAT'S WHY, PEOPLE MUST FIGHT FOR LIBERTY, PROTECT FREEDOM AND VANQUISH THE ENEMIES!