Trinidadian Role-playing Game Laws
Many Trinis may not know what a Role-playing Game is all about. RPG is short for "Role-Playing Game", therefore Trinidadian Role-playing Game is nothing more than a fictitious game played online.
Playing Trini-RPG takes place within this Board and is made through writing in Character. In other words someone may pretend to be a Maxi Taxi Driver and write how their Character might act during a typical day in Trinidad & Tobago.
Trini-RPG is all about writing, you will need to naturally like to write in order to enjoy it. A comparable game is: [+] Gwynedd Medieval Village Play By Post Role-playing Game .
If you are ever confused or not sure how to proceed please utilize the Trinidadian Role-playing Game Support Thread to add your questions.
Important: Do NOT use the real names of people or products. Make sure everything is generic or general so as to not confuse people with real life situations or items.
English vs Dialect vs Net Talk
In Trinidadian Role-playing Game the preferred written language is English, however the Trinidadian dialect is allowed so long as it is done in good taste while in Character (When in quotes as actual speaking) and NOT misrepresented with net talk (Internet jargon mostly consisted of symbols and shortened words like "G8t" Instead of 'great". Many misinterpret net talk with dialect and they are NOT the same.
Here are some examples of what is allowed and what is not:
Allowed: She comes through the door and notices the man working in the kitchen, "Aye boy, wat yuh sayin' dey? Yuh peelin' potatoes, like iz time to make a cook now nah?"
Not Allowed: Shez went tru d door and say aye boy waz up yuh peelin' pototoes.
In the examples above, the allowed shows proper English in describing what the Character is doing and then the actual dialect is in quotes and italicized. Although italics is optional it is helpful to distinguish speech when reading fast.
In the not allowed example you can see there is no difference between action or speech and net talk is used. Words like "Potatoes" Where there is no direct dialect or slang for should be spelled using proper English.
Continuous Or Double Posting
Once you have made a Post in Character within any Thread you should then wait at least 6 hours before doing a follow-up Post unless someone has replied - then you can Reply right away. Players can boost their Score by trying to Reply to their Thread very often - this is not allowed, neither is Posting successively unless 6 hours has passed or you are answering someone else That has Posted.
Can I Join In If I'm Not A Trinidadian Or Never Been To T&T?
Players who will like to be part of this Role-playing Game but are unfamiliar with the T&T culture / lingo can take set roles mentioned in the Contractor's Thread for tose who are not Trinis. Some of these roles include; naturalist, tourist, etc. This will enable you to play in a modern Caribbean environment but will also alert Players that you will probably be unfamiliar with the dialect, slang or country so they should interact with your Character as a foreigner.
What About Tourists?
Players who enter the game as Tourists / Foreign Workers, should start from the Airport and make their way to a hotel. They can carry on their role-playing from there.
A Trinidadian Player may choose to adopt a Tourist. By "Adopt" I mean you Character will claim to know the Tourist and offer to show them around or teach them about Trinidad & Tobago. It might actually be a good learning experience for real life foreigners who know nothing about Trinidad & Tobago.