Description: Felipe, the Roti Shop owner. He is average looking guy in Trinidad & Tobago and he hopes his business he created can be a success. | Trini Roti Shop | Roti Shop Owner |
"Finally I can get back to my business again after a few weeks" Felipe thought to himself while giving his manager the salary that he needed. After that he lets the manger exit the place and he unlocks the door of the Roti shop allowing any customers to stop by and eat some Roti. He thanks the builders for expanding Felipe's house to make it bigger.
Edited: Felipe on 7th Aug, 2013 - 3:46pm
Isabella feels hungry and heads to the roti shop to see if it is open. To her surprise, it is:
Good afternoon, sir. Oh wow, you certainly look different in a good way of course, she chuckles. What is the special of the day in your roti shop?
Well thank you miss, I am thinking of making some kind of 'sample' for tourists only so they can see what a Roti taste like for the first time, anything else remains the same, you can order by the cashier over there". Felipe points out to where the cashier is since he has moved to another part of the store already since the house has expanded. Felipe is now satisfied that his problem is almost finished, he wonders what will be the the reaction of the movie star and he hopes she comes to the Roti shop because he have 'something' to say to her.
Edited: Felipe on 7th Aug, 2013 - 9:10pm
Felipe unlocks the door of his Roti Shop, allowing customers and visitors to enter and order their food. He thought to himself "Hmm, it is always sunny in this country, I wonder when it is going to rain sometime?".
Edited: Felipe on 10th Aug, 2013 - 12:32pm