Do I Really Need to Pray For You?
While working in the background, I heard a religious charismatic speaker talk about prayer. One of the most poignant things she said was based on an explanation of using prayer or choosing to help someone. Here is an example in my own words... You are passing by someone whose car has shut down. You stop by in your car and ask what has happened, the car owner says the car is not starting properly and they do not know how to fix it. So you say, "I will pray for you" and then drive off. Now this example may seem exaggerated, but in many ways it happens in day to day life. Most times we really do not need to petition God to help someone, because it is in our power to help them. I am sure right now you can think of people around you whom you may pray for, maybe it is your mother / father or daughter / son, maybe it is someone at work... and yet still there are things you can do that does not require divine intervention. Sometimes the healing hand we can provide is quick and instant, there is no need for fasting, prayer or Church attendance, not even reading of the scriptures - No. In the previous example all that was necessary would be for you to choose to help, stop your car, get out and help - this is how God works, this is how the scriptures work, this is how the words becoming living, this is prayers answered before you can say them. What are your thoughts?
The Lord uses us as instruments to help those who are in need. Look at the example of the Good Samaritan story, several people passed him straight without helping the poor man on the road before the Good Samaritan reached. Probably those same people who passed him decided they would "pray" for him and could not see the bigger picture. Prayer is wonderful is if accompanied by action.