They do it for you? That will be really great but I wonder if that's just the miniature shop where you're at because I've never heard of that before.
From what you've seen does it looked rush or do thy do a good job? I mean like what we saw in that image on the other page.
The shop in Perterborough was really good and the one here is average from what I have seen.
I would try hitting the local gaming places might be some one there that would do it for cash. High school kids looking for fun money. I would just ask to see their stuff first.
Networking is the best bet in my mind.
If I had the space I'd make a whole battle site with forests, castle and maybe a dungeon too. I saw this one guy in amagazine that turned his bedroom into a minature battleground. It was just too weird!
Name: Barbarian
Comments: The first set of photos are pretty cool considering they're home brewed stuff. I always failed to get the right look anytime I attempted to main the miniatures in that come in the boxes. One problem is the paints they provide are way too bright.