Not only is this the first catfish I've caught but my first big fish. It weighed 14.5 pounds. It was a fighter! I heard the bell attached to my pole and ran out of my tent that the wind was about to blow away, eyes swollen and barely awake. It took everything I had to lift the struggling beast. I released him back into the Flaming Gorge here in Wyoming. I couldn't keep him for eating, it's hard to catch a catfish here and I'm all for conservation.
My First Catfish! (Hover)
Thank you! I would say that it depends on how many people you're feeding. I think I alone could eat that one for four meals maybe five? Not entirely sure? I can eat a lot. You get better meat from the smaller ones. Edited: Canabusis on 3rd Sep, 2013 - 3:08am
I don't know what dirt tastes like, you know what dirt tastes like? Shark tastes like chicken but with that fishy taste, that's the best I can do to describe it although I know its a lame description. It tastes good deep fried too but with a simple batter. Most everyone here puts all kinds of condiments on it.
Wow you're so lucky to get such a big fish on your first try. Last time I tried fishing the bait kept coming off and I didn't catch anything but boredom.