People who are ill always seem to be desperate for a cure, and I wonder, can it be found in Mexico? Too bad they do not know about simply eating right and exercise - it does wonders.
Like thousands of other desperately ill Americans, Coretta Scott King was apparently hoping for a medical miracle when she crossed into Mexico.
The one thing about health care in the US is that there are checks and balances, and chances are if you can't get help in one hospital, another can be of assistance. If the doctors in the US tell me that I am too far gone, or untreatable, then I would trust their decision, and not look to other countries for hope. The Coretta Scott King case has definitely cast the limelight on these Mexican clinics, and the one she was in was closed indefinitely. Mexico and good health care don't seem to be synonymous, so while I understand her reasons for seeking alternative health care, I am not so sure about her choice of Mexico.
Edited: malexander on 8th Feb, 2006 - 4:21pm