Stephen Williams - Acting Commissioner Of Police

- Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 21st Feb, 2017 - 9:46pm

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Trinidad & Tobago
Post Date: 5th Nov, 2016 - 6:13pm / Post ID: #

Stephen Williams - Acting Commissioner Of Police

Stephen Williams - Acting Commissioner of Police

Name: George

Title: Crime and the police commissioner

Comments: I see acting police commissioner is back to his old tricks of painting a pretty picture of the crime scenario with his now monthly personal statistical reports about the local fall in crime.When is this man going to stop this nonsense and face the truth. Crime is on the increase here and so is general lawlessness. When you read things such as the criminal behaviour of many of our young people, someone stealing money from a church, and the bus station being used as a big toilet .the constant rate of murders,unreported kidnappings by the police, and the vast amount of corruption and deceit by those in high office, how on earth can Mr William justify what he is saying. Mr Williams wants to bear in mind, that in order to rid our society of these evil citizens they have to be caught,brought to justice and the correct retribution applied. It is pointless just keeping wilful murderers behind bar when caught. At the present rate of murders if all these murderers are only apprehended more prisons will have to be built to accommodate them. The other short shortsightedness of Mr Williams is his belief that body cameras are going to play a big part in fighting crime here.I can tell him now .It will make no difference whatsoever. The only way to stop murders here and stem the flow of crime is to have a deterrent such as the death penalty and apply it We also need to reform the police and the judiciary systems.We need more delegated and trustworthy police men within the whole structure of the police force. Most of all we need a another police commissioner from outside to bring some seriousness and discipline, and stop the underhand procedures being applied within our present police set up. Our local senior police officers and many of those in the lower ranks have a rather bazaar attitude towards dealing with our crime scenario. Their alleged past and present attitude together with their recorded illegal behaviour have removed any trust the general public had in the police here. The government must regain control of the police system, which they have allowed to slip out of their hands. Mr Williams ought to be reminded of the vast sums of money spent on the police and security services here in the last decades which has made no difference to our constant crime situation. Remember that big silver balloon costing an arm and a leg. What good did that do? . What about all the money wasted regularly on new police equipment including guns, vehicles and even uniforms. No, Mr Williams and his supporters want to get a grip and face the reality of what is really happening here. The truth is the masterminds of corruption, lawlessness and serious crimes are now running the country. The impression given is that the police merely act as one of their protectors. Sorry I really have to make this comment but as a loyal citizens I just cannot turn a blind eye to what in my opinion are obstacles in the way of progress in stemming the expansion and widespread galloping crime in my country of birth.

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21st Nov, 2016 - 7:56am / Post ID: #

Police Commissioner Acting Williams Stephen

The process for choosing a commissioner is ridiculous. Rather than have our current system just make it an election so the commissioner will be representing the people. Whether the position is "Acting" or not I think it should not detract from performance. Stephen Williams has a hard job, I couldn't do it… he is policing people that do not want to obey the law and I'm not talking about only the ones that rob, rape or kill. I want to see more action taken against white collar criminals.

Post Date: 21st Nov, 2016 - 2:03pm / Post ID: #

Stephen Williams - Acting Commissioner Of Police Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

Name: George

Title: Mr Williams acting commissioner

Comments: Mr Williams position as acting commissioner has so far proved ineffective in stemming the flow of all types of crimes here.In fact the situation gets worse month after month. The impression given is that his masters,(Members of the white collar elite, in positions of authority) are quite satisfied to allow him to continue in his role, as it meets their requirements and is beneficial to that brigade. Mr William simple does as he is told. He lacks true leadership and the required grit that is needed to deal with the masterminds of corruption and the hardened criminal Mr Bigs on this island.He gives the impression of a school boy being guided by his teacher.

The problem here is that apparently none of our senior police officers if appointed to the post of commissioner is likely to make any difference .
They are all tarred with the same brush of being subservient and display a colonial mentality with solid obedience to their local masters of wealth and those from the upper classes.
Moreover they lack the required experience and their alleged association with corrupt practices and seems to be lacking in morals and honesty.
Many of our politicians and citizens of status are fully aware of these factors, that is why Mr Gibbs and his deputy (Outsiders)were previously appointed to commissioner of police a few years ago.

Source: Personal observations.

21st Nov, 2016 - 2:37pm / Post ID: #

Police Commissioner Acting Williams Stephen

I dare any of you to try and do a couple of days working as an acting Commissioner of Police and by the time you all are done you will stay quiet. Because it is easy to write what you want but you do not know how hard the job is and the red tape that is there barring you from doing what needs to be done!

Post Date: 12th Jan, 2017 - 7:21pm / Post ID: #

Police Commissioner Acting Williams Stephen

Name: George

Title: Dismissal of senior police officers

Comments: It is obvious from the incoming reports that Mr Williams is gaining tremendous praise for his sudden decision to dismiss initially two senior police officers from their current positions and end their careers because of their failure to achieve an expected overall performance in te light of the local crime scenario. In my opinion, this does not make much sense since they were highly rated in their last appraisals according to Mr Seales. The problem of our crime scenario is not something new. It started when we were granted independence in 1962. Looking at the records one could clearly see the escalation of murders, kidnappings and general lawlessness expanding slowly throughout the nation, This was accompanied by the galloping rate of corruption. The police have tried all known methods to try to stem some crimes, whereas turning a blind others Today dispite all modern equipment and a big increase in their manpower the police are outnumbered by criminals two to one. Over the decades the police have failed to solve most murders and also failed to catch many murderers who are now running loose especially here in Trinidad and are still violently slaughtering local citizens at random without any hindrance. They have also failed to bring to justice many criminals who has now developed into hardened and well equipt criminals. It is now fair to assume that there are hundreds if not thousands of local killers, hardened criminals and professional kidnappers who are able to commit the crime of their choice and get away with it With now no crime plan in play and the expanding volume of murders and serious crimes spreading at an alarming rate through Trinidad it is not surprising to find that local police commanders are suddenly unable to cope working under such stress. Sacking experienced officers merely to quell the anxiety of businessmen, those of status and in authority is a bad move and no doubt will be regretted at a later date.

Post Date: 1st Feb, 2017 - 10:01am / Post ID: #

Stephen Williams - Acting Commissioner Of Police

Name: George

Title: Mr Williams the Psychologist

Comments: It is not at all surprising to hear the views of the Acting Commissioner of Police denying that T&T is not in a crisis. It really does not matter how bad the crime situation gets here we could always rely on Mr Williams to play it down using a method of [psychology] instead of trying to face the reality of what is happening here with regards to crime. This is why with his mind -set, his lack of logical reasoning and his mentality his masters believe he is the right man for the job, but still haven't got faith in him to upgrade him to the substantive rank. With almost 60 murders in January of this year, and the call from many distinguished people and the majority of the public asking for either the calling of a state of emergency or the reinstatement of the death penalty Mr Wiliams is still is at it, acting as a psychologist attempting to quell the anxieties of our citizens by painting a different picture. This is crazy especially in a society where innocent citizens are being slaughtered by the dozens every month and the head of the police is deliberately turning a blind eye, and trying his best with the approval of his superiors to pull the wool over the eyes of our vulnerable and fearful citizens.

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19th Feb, 2017 - 11:04pm / Post ID: #

Stephen Williams Acting Commissioner Police

ACP Stephen Williams seems to be at a loss for the murder rate and is now calling on divine intervention in order to solve the crime situation in T&T. Why do we need divine intervention when the power is already in the hands of the police, the politicians, the judges, etc?

Post Date: 21st Feb, 2017 - 9:46pm / Post ID: #

Stephen Williams Acting Commissioner Police Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean

Name: George

Title: Mr Williams

Comments: Mr Williams is part and parcel of our crime scenario. His supporters in the hierarchy of TTPS are giving him all the support they can .
He does as he is told and whilst he is beneficial to them in the acting role of Commissioner of police I doubt that he will ever attain the substantive rank of Commissioner of Police here.That would give him too much power and equality with his present superiors who now act as his masters.

Since his appointment when Mr Gibbs and his deputy were both more or less forced out of office.Things have gone from bad to worse where serious crimes are concerned and many members of his command are now jumping on the criminal bandwagon where crime is now a money spinner.. It is therefore not surprising that he has decided to call on God and is also advising others to do the same,since there is now little hope in him and his men making any headway here where crime and general lawlessness are concerned.

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