Good point, I fear for the safety of the human race because we go forward often blindly in the name of discovery. I think one of these discoveries is going to be our undoing. I think AI if not handled perfectly, and I mean perfectly, could be one of those places where our undoing comes to pass.
Yes I think you are right on that and I have a feeling that many things are happening at the same time that many advances have been made that we are not seeing. Whether the powers that be will do anything to make sure that AI is controlled some what or not is something that has yet to remain unseen.
Well it is good to have some pessimists in the crowd as it helps those that are free thinkers help make the world a better place by keeping it from going over that edge that will surely doom us all. I think that AI will become a free thinker and I think that with all that is happening in the world many advances will start to come out and peace will be with all.
Now that was funny. I doubt that everything will be peachy keen as that but efforts have been made and will continue to be made to see that things will keep progressing forward. The only thing that I do not understand right now is why some technologies are being repressed and we are still stuck with the internal combustion engine.