Hello everyone!
I am known as nauvoo, or that is my member name. My hat goes off to the creator of this website, great job! I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and found this website looking up some information on my mission that I served in over 10 years ago. Yes I am getting older as the days go by. I served in the West Indies Mission from 1993-1995. I served the people of St.Thomas, Barbados, St.Kitts, Guyana, Trinidad, and Suriname for one month. To this day my love for the islands and the people who lived there has only increased.
Upon returning home, I met my wife in the Chicago Temple and was married there 2 months later. I adopted her 15 month old daughter and instantly, I was a daddy. We had three more daughters together while I was deciding what I wanted to be When I grew up. I attended college and worked way to many hours while trying to study. We were happy through all the challenges.
The years since my mission have been wonderful. I have stayed very busy with church callings, family responsibilities and, of course, community sports. I love baseball and football. I was hired by the church to be an Assistant Engineer in the Temple. What a dream come true it has been to work and repair the Lords house 40 hours a week.
We could not have anymore children after our 4th daughter was born. So, we became foster and adoptive parents and went in search of some children to adopt, preferably boys. Call me crazy, but we found them this last year, a sibling group of five. We are in the process of adopting 4 boys and a girl ranging from ages 14-2. They are all a bit different, but are great kids. It has taken us almost 8 months to get all the kids to get a long. The sacrifice is worth every minute. Besides, now I can go to Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts!
That is my life in a nut shell. I am looking forward to meeting new people and hearing your story.
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Thanks for the response and your support Diane C. We actually put years of thought into our decision to adopt such a large group. Some days are like world war between the children, however, those peaceful days when you get to see these kids lives changing for the good is, well, Priceless! We have had some real interesting experiences in the community. Some think directly that we are a child day care business, and others just give us that strange look. When you consider the alternative for these children, it makes the job much easier.
JB@Trinidad. I so miss Trinidad. I did meet you a few times as I was an assistant with Elder Edwards in the office under President Valentine. I did stay pretty busy, but loved the people in Trinidad. I ended my mission as probably the only english speaking missionary to serve in Suriname for a month. I had extended a month to serve there. I can't say enough about the people in the islands, what a great experience. Give my love to all of them.