Marijuana & Memory Loss
People who regularly smoke marijuana may find their memories growing hazy over time, a study published Monday suggests. In a study of long-term and shorter-term marijuana users, researchers in Greece found that both groups performed more poorly on tests of memory, attention and other cognitive abilities than a comparison group who'd only occasionally used the drug.
All that resin pot smokers find in their pipes, ends up in their lungs and between the neurons of their brain. No drug is harmless, some hurt you more than others. THC settles in your fat cells. These cells are located in the brain and the testicles. Some long time male smokers will even develope breasts. All that said compared to other drugs, including alcohol, the worst thing marijuana will do to you is get you 10 years in prison.
Duh! No surprise to me. From early in my school years, the biggest thing about pot was that it makes you "stupid." In fact, that was one of the ways people would announce they were going to smoke -- "Wanna go get stupid?" Ridiculous. Why would anyone want to do that? Now, once again apparently, science has proven the obvious.