Books About Love
Which is your favorite book about Love?
Valentine's Day: Books from the heart Romantic love. For many, it's a blissful pairing off into the sunset. For others, it's a hormonal riptide best left for teenagers and cockeyed optimists. We review a sampling of books to fit every mood on Valentine's Day. Ref. https://www.usatoday.com/life/books/reviews...nes-books_x.htm |
A book that I have been meaning for both my fiance and I to read is The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I have heard wonderful things about it, and at my old college, psychology majors were required to read it. The book shares the five main ways that different people show love in different ways. So many times couples get frustrated with one another because they think one or the other isn't doing anything to show their affections towards it, but it isn't that at all. It's the fact that different people have different ways of showing their love. I haven't read it yet, but I'd recommend it based on how everybody I know that has read it has completely loved it.
I like the books that Jill Mansell has written. She has written a lot of romance novels, that are slightly different from the norm, as there is normally an unexpected twist to her stories that keep you guessing from beginning to end!
I have read about 6 or 7 of her novels, and haven't read one yet that I didn't enjoy!
I have never thought about this, but I will say that a great book for husbands on and about how to love their wives is called For Men Only by J. Allen Petersen. In the book he is quite detailed and most men can learn what Love is really about from reading it.