Unsure - sometimes you can be honest, yet other times it is questionable...
I guess that's me...
I can be very honest when it comes to certain issues, but for others, I can't really tell the truth. So usually when I encounter such a kind of situation, I just try to tell the truth as gently as possible so that the person won't be hurt but at the same time, he/she can also get what I'm trying to say.
Scout - you can be expected to tell the truth
Yes I whole heartedly agree. In fact, this is why I am always in so much hot water because I am a little too outspoken for my own good! Oh well! God still loves me for it!
Edited: Geenie on 16th Mar, 2007 - 2:44am
White liar-You feel that telling a little lie now and again is okay so long as no one is hurt.
Yeah, this fits me pretty well. I probably wouldn't tell a total stranger their pants were unzipped, maybe if we were in a dressing room, but not just passing by on the street. I would tell the bank about a $100.00 error, as I actually had something similar to that happen to me some years back. I think sometimes I am too worried about hurting someones feelings, but if they're my friend I'd tell them how I really felt.
Rather than answer what the stupid test result showed, I'll explain it here.
I lie if the truth is more painful.
I don't deny that I am on occasion a liar just as on occasion I am a thief. I've taken pens and pencils from work. I've taken paper from work to use at home for my personal pleasure or gain. But I've also bought supplies for the office out of my own money rather than have a project delayed due to lack of supplies. It balances.
If a friend wanted to come over, just for a casual chat and I'm expecting important company, I'll tell her no and ask if we can talk on the phone instead for a while. If she is in turmoil about something then of course she can come over, important guests be damned but I'd keep them separated.
Even important things like "cheating" on my husband. Now if our relationship is not already on the rocks for whatever reason this does not happen but my last marriage was over 6 years before it legally ended. We were worse than two strangers sharing a home, he was verbally abusive. I had a male companion and I lied to him about it. He didn't really care anyway, I got my divorce when he found a woman who wanted to marry him.
The tie question? I'd use tact but tell the truth. "Gee ... Just let me say you'd never see me wearing it.
Name: Lattale
Comments: I'm a white liar and I don't have any hang up about that. Sometimes not telling the exact truth is not so correct and you can hurt feelings if you do tell the whole truth.
I am a white liar - I think that is pretty well on with how I am. The one thing that struck me as interesting is when it asked about if I would tell the bank they gave me 100 dollars too mutch, I said no. Then when I was asked if I would tell a cashier about them giving me 2 dollars too mutch I said yes.
If it was the cashier that handed me 100 extra dollars I might just keep it and not go back to that place ever. If it was the bank that gave me 2 dollars too mutch I would probably tell them.
So to me I think that means I would tell the truth but when it comes to money it matters how mutch money we are talking about.
I think that was something that was lacking in the test. There is a difference when telling the truth about money (and what amount) and telling the truth when feelings are concerned (and how mutch it would hurt the person).
Edited: Oliron on 25th Jul, 2010 - 4:45am