Though I am not new anymore, I can tell you what happened when I was. My reason for being here was "Language Study." I stumbled on this website while looking for French-speaking penpals or forums where I could speak French. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be many here that are interested in speaking French, as I posted in the French thread on the language board (hopefully I'm using correct forum terminology here) and no one responded except for the factual.
Fortunately, like other members here, I found other topics of interest to distract me!
Dimavo, you used the right terminology. The French Posts were started by a Canadian Moderator we used to have here, but after being caught copying our stuff she left, and thus the Thread is dormant. I do not speak French so I do not push it, however do feel free to let others who may be interested to come and start doing so as it is a great reason to be here. In fact, if you can enough spice for it I may even open up a French Board!
I think that my real reason for being here has not changed much. I am still here for religious studies. There are additions to my reason. I have friends here now, and want to keep up with whats going on in their lives. But its is obvious by my posts that I still love discussing religion, especially as of late as some have started putting out new information about their beliefs that makes coming to the forum exciting every day!
Kon, lately religious is not your thing but Activism and Politics.
I can't believe I did not answered this thread! My real reason for being here is to voice my opinion on different topics and learn more about people and their lives. I notice that by reading what people write and the choice of words they use, it can tell a lot on how they are.
I missed this one too, initially. I think my original "official" reason was Curiosity, then it changed to Investigating Topics. I've been all over this Forum, from RPG's to the Arcade, Politics & Activism to Religion to LDS Deep Doctrine, Parenting to Poetry, Business to Survival....
There is so much here to read and learn and discuss and laugh about that I don't think I can encapsulate my "official" reason for being here into a one or two word phrase.
Can anyone explain to me why Members never place the Real Reason For Being Here? |
If I want to contribute to a topic, then I need to study up on it. Therefore, it helps me increase my general knowledge from the effort that goes into posting and reading other post and it helps me to improve my communication skills. This being only a literal outlet, you need to be very precise. Working in a foreign country and trying to comminicate with others in a foreign tongue to them makes you focus on clarity as well. Plus, being able to see (not necessarily agree with) both sides of discussions is important in problem solving and it helps me. The best part is that since I am away from the US, this allows me to stay up to date and discuss current events.
The orginial reason I joined is because of the many questions in the LDS Doctrine area and I wanted to share my personal beliefs. Lately when I look there I don't see anything that sparks an interest. I don't know if it's the questions or me. Who knows? I do like this website it is truly a masterpiece of intellegance. This is the best webbased forum online.