Maybe if the private prisons could be prompted towards making sure that those housed within them do not re-offend then their contracts could be renewed. This might be a good way to ensure they work at getting them away from committing crime again rather than just keeping them locked up doing nothing.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 174 17.4%
Private prison companies gave big to Trump inauguration as his policies look to boost their profits
Two of the nation's largest private prison companies stand to benefit through the executive orders the president signed to stiffen enforcement of immigration laws and to detain undocumented immigrants in jails before deporting them. Company officials say they do not push policies that would increase prison populations. Ref. USAToday.
It does not surprise me that the private prison industry supported Trump due to his tough stance on illegal immigrants. They were thinking of their future and the possibility of more money coming to them as they will house the illegals until they are deported.