IE Toolbar Issues
All support related issues with regards to Our Toolbar and all versions of the Internet Explorer browser may be entered here.
I just set up the email notifier to notify me of email that comes into my cable email account. Its a pop3 server, and the test ran through fine, but when I tell it to check for email, it shows my email address and failed with a red x. Any ideas? I also have this set up through Yahoo! and that seemed to work just fine. Thanks!
Yes, there is an email notifier in the Toolbar, where you can check for new email in Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail or other accounts if you know the POP3 server. I didn't try to enable Yahoo notification because I already use the Yahoo Toolbar for that, but did try to enable notification of another email account, and that doesn't seem to work.
To update my comments yesterday, I did make some changes to the settings, where for the username I put in just my user account name and not the fully qualified email address. Now I don't get the red x with the failed message, but it says I have 0 new when I do have about 11 new emails. Thanks,
Just for the sake of discussion I have to ask a question. Has anyone loaded this toolbar onto IE7 Beta yet? I have been installing IE7 Beta 2 in one of my clients offices but do not have an XP machine of my own installed to test this one.