USA's Need For Oil - US Oil

Usa' S Oil Oil - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 23rd Oct, 2012 - 7:34pm

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18th Mar, 2003 - 9:59pm / Post ID: #

USA's Need For Oil - US Oil

Why does the US need oil from elsewhere?

international QUOTE

All six presidents of the past 30 years, Democrat and Republican alike, have tried to wean the U.S. Off imported oil. All have failed.

Rather off topic, but...
Did you know that a car was invented that could run for miles and miles without the need of much gas or oil? Do you know what happened to that? The oild companies bought the patent to ensure that it was never built! Go figure!

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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Post Date: 17th Jul, 2003 - 9:16pm / Post ID: #

USA's Need For Oil - US Oil
A Friend

Oil - Oil Need USAs

I never could understand why the US felt that they needed to import oil from other countries.  We do make alot of oil, but the US feels that they have to export our oil and import oil from other countries.  It must just be to help other countries to boost their economy, by buying their oil.  But back when we couldn't import much oil, the US wouldn't even dip into the oil reserves to help keep the cost of it down.  Shoot, gasoline prices were completely ridiculous during that time as well.  Some states were charging almost $4.00 for regular unleaded gasoline.  Until they could start importing oil again.  The US seems to act like they can't use our own oil.  Is there something wrong with it?  Or are they just trying to keep good business with other countries?

17th Jul, 2003 - 11:14pm / Post ID: #

USA's Need For Oil - US Oil History & Civil Business Politics

Uh-oh...  Here's another topic that's a hot spot...  I like to keep up to date on this subject because we have begun a decline in oil capacity and production -- pretty much world-wide, except for Iraq, which has lots and lots and lots of oil.... (gee, wonder why our troops are over there?)

Here are a couple of snips from some of the "really smart guys" who talk about this stuff and inspire me.

"The world turns on oil.  Without an inexpensive
source of oil there are no jobs.
Simply put, no oil no jobs.

The demand for oil is relatively inelastic. This might be a clue as to
the interest of the Bush family in Iraq for the past thirteen years. If
Iraqi oil production were allowed to rise to six million bpd then oil
prices above $10 wouldn't be sustainable, all else being equal."

"Like any other fuel, Hydrogen has its benefits as well as its dangers. The benefits are that it is virtually inexhaustible and that water can be produced as a by product along with Oxygen. The drawbacks are that it is an unpredictable gas which is highly flammable and explosive (think of the German Zeppelin "Hindenberg" here). The additional problems include trying to ascertain what happens if automobile fuel tanks (Hydrogen tanks actually) start to leak. What happens in a major collision between two hydrogen powered cars? Would there be a significant explosion? What are the safety factors here? Of paramount importance, how long does it take the bureaucracy and litigation-phobic US safety boards to certify such vehicles? It will not be something that happens overnight, and the current shortages of US energy are not going to be solved at the stroke of a pen (effectively, which is what they have to be in our view)."


International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 ActivistPoliticianAmbassador 59.5%

Post Date: 25th Jul, 2009 - 10:04pm / Post ID: #

Oil - Oil Need USAs

WATCH: Over a Barrel: U.S. Oil Addiction
Interesting Issues Related To Life / Culture

Source: ABC News - 20/20

Post Date: 23rd Oct, 2012 - 7:34pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Oil - Oil Need USAs

US may soon become world's top oil producer

US oil output is surging so fast that the United States could soon overtake Saudi Arabia as the world's biggest producer. Ref. Source 8

> TOPIC: USA's Need For Oil - US Oil


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